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*-Tear In My Heart 21 Pilots - It's Time Imagine Dragons

*-Gasoline Halsey -Death Of A Hero Alec Benjamin 

-Stressed Out -Drama AJR -Rise Up Imagine Dragons  

-Pity Part Melanie Martinez -Lane Boy Imagine Dragons

-Stolen Dance Milky Chance * -Steve Alec Benjamin 

-Hey Look Ma, I Made It Panic! At The Disco

-I'm Not Famous AJR -Glowing Eyes 21 Pilots

-Break My Face AJR - Outrunning Karma Alec Benjamin 

*-You're Gonna Go Far, Kid The Offspring 

- My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Them UP) Fall Out Boy

Some songs I listened to while writing this 😉 


We walked all the way down to the end of the Blvd, then turned left onto a street that is slanted upwards the mountain behind the city. 

All the houses we passed were big and fancy, and the lawns were nice, big, and green.

Mind you we were still hand in hand this whole time. I looked up at Adrian, who has been quiet this whole time.

I spotted a lady gardening 2 houses down by us, with her husband watching her from the porch.

A man was outside mowing the lawn, across the street from us, and a lady ,in blue matching jogging gear, jogged by us. 

Once at the lady who was gardening's house Adrian walked up to her and said hello.

"Hello ma'm."  "Oh hello" She said as she stood up and dusted herself off.

"Is there something you need." She asked looking at Adrian then me. He unlocked our hands and took a good second to compose himself. 

Adrian looked at me to answer, ugh what do I say? "Uh, Hi Mrs. Andrews, um- , We're here to talk to you about your insurance?" I said as if it was a question, Adrian looked as if he wanted to laugh so bad.

"That is correct, may we come in?" It took her a good minute to speak, because she was coughing so hard. 

"Yes, please come in." She said in a raspy voice, raw from coughing.

We walked in past the man on the porch. I look back as we walked in, but Adrian who was behind me, gripped my shoulder and kept me going forward.

Wow he looked as if he was alive, I thought maybe ghosts would look different than humans. 

 For me I glow a bit, or at least I think so. 

She waves us over to sit at her round, light brown table in the kitchen.

"Make up a excuse to leave, go outside and talk to Luke." He whispered to me as we sat down and I thought  for a good second for an excuse.

I'll get to the 'what the hell does he want me to tell Luke' thing later. "Oh, my god! I forgot my inhaler!" I turn to Adrian, "I have to go get it." I then get up and face her. "I'm so sorry but I have to go." I then yelled goodbye to her as I sprinted off outside. 

I spotted the ghost still sitting on the porch, looking startled and confused that I'm looking straight at him.

"Hello mister Andrews, I'm an angel sent to take you to away from here." I don't dare mention the hell part, and to be perfectly honest I feel bad for him. 

"What, why, I must stay, I'll miss Lisa to much, no!, I'm not going!, You can't make me!"

Wow Bi Polar much?! He stood up in front of me to show he's in charge, but I just stood up straight and held my head high. 

He then glared at me, "If you can see me then you can definitely feel me!" And he then lunged at me.

So uh did I ever mention that I got into fights in middle school? I think I did once 🤔, did I tell you I won every single damn one? 

When he tried to lunge at me, my instincts kicked in and I stepped to the side fast, and watched him trip on the front step hitting his face on the grass.

I jumped his back and brought his arm backwards so he would yelp in pain. And than the worst thing happened.

Mrs.Andrews and Adrian walked outside and Adrian's eyes went big, not puppy big, but horse big... have you ever seen how big their eyes are?!  

He stifled a laugh, and kept talking to Mrs. Andrews.... wait can she not see me?

I kept a good hold on Mr. Andrews and he started to cry.

"Why, why am I leaving her? Just tell me why!", He begged, and Adrian became mad, trying hard to get Mrs. Andrews to leave so he could help.

"You know why.... your killing the woman!" I yelled now furious, how dare him think that he could lie his way out of this!

"What! How, I couldn't possibly, I swear I would never hurt her!" He became quite now, saddened and hurt having a mixed expression on his face as if trying hard to understand and is in disbelief.

Before I could explain to him, Adrian grabbed me off him and took the old fragile man by the forearm and yelled at him.

"You know exactly what you've been doing, no tricks this time!" He then snapped his fingers and the old man disappeared.

I ran up to Adrian, "did he not know?!, I don't think he was lying, he couldn't possibly be, his face-"      

He cut me off, by grabbing my chin and pulling me close to him. "Don't be naive bell, don't listen to anyone but me."

He kept me there like that for a minute longer after I already have nodded.

"Let's get you home" he then grabbed my hand and we walked home.

"How did she not see us?" "When angels interact to app-  , ghosts then they too disappear, that's why I couldn't help you till she went inside."

I nod and we keep walking.  We kept walking in silence till we made it to my apartment building's door. "Good Job, get some sleep bell." 

I smile "okay." I turned to walk away but his hand grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"Don't talk to any devils tonight." I laugh, "Does that count if it's figuratively speaking."

I smirk, "I mean you.", "ya , ya I know who your talking about."  He smiles chuckling just a bit.

"Goodnight bell."


Once In my apartment 


I stretch and slip off my shoes, as I close my door with my back.

Movement suddenly catches my eye as the lamp by my bed turns on.

"Long Date Love?"

Author's Note: OMGGGGGG I love this story to much lmao 😅

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