New year's day

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Inspired by Taylor Swift's "New year's day" It's Nygmobblepot and Babitha.

Tabitha POV

I stand in the bathroom, trying to get my make-up just right.

"Hey, Tabby!" Barbara yells excitedly, slamming the door open. I jump and streak eyeliner across my cheek.

"Damn it, Barbara!" I snap, irritated.

"That's not exactly how I would do it." She says quietly, looking at my ruined eyeliner.

"God, now we'll never get to the New Year's party on time. Gah!" I say, frustrated.

"Sorry. Just get rid of the streak here and you'll be fine." She says quietly, picking up a makeup remover wipe and rubbing the eyeliner off my temple.

"Thanks. And knock next time." I say quietly.

"I just wanted to see if you were ready..."

"The party's in an hour."

"Not the party..." She says quietly, leaning up and kissing me gently.

We can be late...

Oswald POV

I stand in my bathroom, finishing my makeup. I'm putting on my mascara when something goes THUD! down the hallway.
I walk out to the hall and down towards Ed's room. I open the door and find him crumpled on the floor, apparently having tripped over something.

"Hey, Ed..." I say warmly, amused. Clumsy baby...

"Uh, hey. I was getting dressed and I turned around and tripped over my shoe." Ed says quietly, obviously embarrassed.

"Do you need any help getting up?" I say warmly.

"No, I'm fine." He says quietly, pulling himself to his feet.

"Clumsy baby..." I whisper softly to myself.


"Nothing. I just said ‘You're too clumsy.’ and that's it. That's all."

"Okay." He says quietly, turning to his dresser and pulling out some clothes.
I return to my own room and finish getting dressed.

Time skip an hour...

Me and Ed walk into Siren's. I look around anxiously for Barbara, dreading running into her. Of course, that's stupid. It's her club, of course I'd run into her.

I look at Ed and he looks completely freaked out. He's staring at the corner of the room, rubbing his neck.

"Ed, what's wrong? Is your neck still hurting you?" I ask quietly.

"It's nothing. I'm just...
it's fine." He says quietly. I can tell he's lying right through his teeth.

"Ed, whatever it is, you can tell me..." I say warmly, giving him a reassuring smile. 

"I think I saw Bu--"

"OZZY!!!" Barbara says excitedly, cutting Ed off mid-sentence.

"Oh, it's so good to see you!" She says sweetly, wrapping her arms around me.

"I can't breathe, Barbara." I say quietly. She lets go and laughs a little.

"So, Nygma. Who are you gonna kiss?" Barbara asks Edward. He looks like he's forgotten how to speak.

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