The Lakes

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Nygmobblepot, inspired by Taylor Swift's "The Lakes"

*Tissue warning*

Oswald POV

I stand in the doorway, watching as my first love walks to his car, carrying two suitcases.

I should have just let it go... Isabella and him would have broken up eventually...

It feels like all time has frozen in place. He fumbles with the suitcases, trying to fit them in the backseat.

My heart twists as he walks around to the driver's side.

I can't lose him...


I open my eyes, finding myself in his apartment. I roll over and find his side of the bed empty. He's standing in the kitchen cooking breakfast for us.

"Good morning." I say warmly, gazing at him fondly.

He turns around and smiles that dazzling, perfect smile of his. "Morning, Ozzie." Ed says warmly, blushing slightly.

I lay here for what feels like forever, thinking about getting cuddles and love from this amazing man. My boyfriend. My lover. My everything...

*Time jump*

Ed is... Different after being released from Arkham. Like he doesn't even remember us being together.

"I'm just glad you're home, Eddie." I say warmly.

"I am too, Oswald." He says plainly. Too plainly.

Flashback over

A week after his release, he met Isabella. And everything went to hell.

He opens the driver's side door.


"Wait..." I say weakly, sobbing softly. I don't have the strength to sound demanding or throw a sobbing fit or anything. I'm weak. Just like Edward told me all those months ago.

He stops dead in his tracks. Freezes. I can see the inner conflict. Even though I can't see his face.


All the memories come surging back. Like a dam has burst. Flooding my mind. Breaking my heart.

You are so sweet...

I'm so lucky...

I've never met anyone as beautiful as you...

You are the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me...

Please don't ever leave me...

I need you...

"Ozzie..." I say weakly, sobbing softly. My strength has dissipated. Gone. Like a house of cards blown away in the wind.

I stand there and just cry. Crying my heart out like there's no tommorow. Because there isn't. I'll be frozen here forever because I'll know I left. I left him even though I whispered to him in the night that I didn't want him to leave me. He's all I have. The only thing that keeps me going. Oswald.


I feel the cold air surrounding my body, making me shiver. I feel my body freeze up. I can't move. I'm physically frozen by the emptiness inside my chest.

Third person POV

Ice forms quickly on the mansion as the masked freak coats everything in freezing ice. Oswald and Edward are turned into eternal living ice sculptures.

The freak takes off her mask, her blue eyes lit up with child-like wonder and innocence.

"This is what Fries would want...this is what my Uncle Victor would want!" She says happily, jumping up and down.

"Breanna Fries! You're under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon and theft." Officer Ruiz demands "Drop the weapon and put your hands in the air, or we will shoot!"

Terrified, Breanna drops the ice gun and puts her hands up.

The cops arrest her and haul her frozen, crazy ass to jail.

The Ed and Oswald ice sculptures stand in the exact same place for years while Lucius Fox attempted to figure out which formula Breanna Fries used.

The grounds of Van Dahl estate looked a winter wonderland. But the Ed and Oswald ice sculptures were an agonizing reminder of what love can do to a person.

Especially a person who doesn't know what it's like to be loved...

Frozen. Pain in their icy hearts, painful memories of a happier time.

Turns out Breanna used solution A15 mixed with solution A14. It kept them alive, but they couldn't safely be thawed out. So there they stood on the frozen grounds, stuck in a little eternal winter zone.

Cold, bleak. Desolate, despaired.

But one day, 2 centuries later, a woman with naturally pure white hair, icy crystal-like blue eyes, and pale skin in a lily white dress walks onto the deathly cold grounds of the estate. Her bare feet melt the frozen tears that lead a path to the two lovers who were frozen long ago. She walks up to Oswald, looking deep into his eyes, feeling great sorrow overwhelm her.

"What a sad sight. You two had everything you wanted...then an unholy trinity of greed, jealousy and malice tore you apart... Now only an angel like myself can bring you back..." She says, touching Oswald's ice covered cheek. She presses her lips against his cheek and the ice slowly begins to melt away.

The woman walks over to Ed, doing the same thing to him.

"You know what you want, Edward Nashton. Go get him." She says, walking away as a single red rose springs up from the frozen ground. The cold flees to the north as the fruit trees bloom with bright pink, red, purple, orange, blue and white flowers, the wisteria blooms bright purple, the azaleas burst with pinks and blues, the green grass comes back to life, vibrant and green. The Ivy on the mansion bloomed with bright green leaves. The skies became bright blue and the dazzling sunlight shine bright on the estate. The rays of light focus on the two frozen lovers. The ice dissipates immediately. The two take gasping breaths of the fresh, warm summer air. Ed turns around and looks at Oswald, tears still on his face. Oswald is sobbing softly still. Like no time had passed at all.
Edward runs back up to Oswald, hugging him tight against him. Oswald breaks down into shaky, choked off sobs, clinging to Edward like he's gonna disappear forever.

"I love you..." was the first words out of Ed's mouth.

"I love you, too..." Oswald whispers softly. The two stood holding each other on the elegant front porch, unwilling to let go.

"Let's go to bed. I feel like I haven't slept in 100 years..." Ed says quietly, smiling at Oswald.

"I'd like that..." Oswald sighs, gazing up at Edward fondly.

They walk inside and up to Oswald's bedroom. Sleeping peacefully side by side under golden blankets, unwilling to let go of each other.

After being frozen for over a century...

They finally moved. They finally came running into each other's arms.

Two broken hearts healed.

A curse...lifted.

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