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Nygmobblepot Mpreg, anyone?

Ed wakes to find Oswald curled up next to him, his head on Edwards belly.

"I love you, my baby." Oswald murmurs sweetly, kissing Ed's slightly swollen abdomen. Ed is only 2 months along, but they couldn't be happier. Ed chuckles at Oswald.

"You do this every morning..." Ed says warmly. Oswald makes a contented sound in his throat, crawling up to Eds face to kiss him.

"I can't help it. I love our little baby so much..."

"What about me?" Ed says, feigning being affronted.

"I love you too, you big baby..." Oswald says sweetly, hugging Ed tight.

Later that day, Ed went out to the store against Oswalds wishes to get some groceries because he was having crazy cravings. He's walking out of the store and cuts through the alleyway as a shortcut to where he parked his car. He turns a corner only to have a fun shoved in his face.

"Give me your money, you little bitch! Yeah, you the mayors bitch. His little pet." A scrawny little meth head says erratically.

"Okay, okay here!" Ed panics, giving the man his cash. The man smacks Ed across the face, knocking him to the ground. The little tweaker takes a knife out of his pocket, cutting Ed's arm.

"Please don't kill me. I can't die. Please, I can't die..."

"You should've thought of that before you lit--"


A bullet rips through the mans head, his body flopping on the ground beside Ed. Ed scrambles to his feet, shaking violently. Selina appears beside him, holding a gun. Ed doubles over, vomiting profusely.

"Jeez, got weak stomach forensics guy?" She says sarcastically.

"I have morning sickness, you little bitch." Ed hisses, vomiting again.

"Jeez, you should get to a doctor..."

"Why? It's just a cut."

"His blood got in there."


"That's Dave. He popped positive for HIV last week." Selina says in her usual smart ass tone. Ed panics, running from the scene. He calls Oswald frantically, pacing on the sidewalk.

"Ed? Is everything okay, what's wrong? Is it the baby?!"

"I was almost mugged. Can you send a driver to 30th and spring?" Ed says shakily, choking on the fear.

If he gets infected with HIV he'll infect Oswald and the baby as well...

oh no no no...

A car pulls up and Oswald opens the door for Ed. Ed climbs in, still shaking. Oswald clasps his hand, looking up at Edward.

"We should get you to a hospital just to get you checked out." Oswald says quietly.

The driver drives them to the hospital, and Oswald walks Ed to the ER.

"How can I help you?"

"Um, my husband was mugged. He just needs checked out."

"Okay, anything the doctor should know? Allergies, preexisting conditions, medicines he takes?"

"Um, allergic to Codeine, takes Allegra D for his pollen allergy and, um..." Oswald leans in closer "he's pregnant."

"Okay. Take this form, take a seat and fill it out."

Oswald takes the form, leading Ed to a chair.

"Selina saved my life, but the guy who attacked me had HIV."

"Ed, it's okay. You'll get some antivirals and you'll be fine."

After a few minutes Ed and Oswald are called back.

After what felt like hours of waiting, the doctor comes into the room, a tight smile on her face.

"Hello, Mayor Cobblepot, Mr Nygma. It says here you were mugged. That's a pretty nasty cut." She looks at the cut on Eds arm.

"I see rust in the wound. Gonna have to clean this up, and you'll need a tetanus shot."

"The mugger had HIV. His blood got in the wound."

"We'll get you some antivirals just in case."

The doctor gently cleans Eds wound, then gets the items she needs to stitch it up.

"This will only hurt a little." She says, giving Ed a Novocaine shot before starting the stitches.

After a few minutes, she finally finishes stitching Eds arm up, then leaves briefly to get the tetanus shot.

"Alright, you'll feel a little poke just like with the Novocaine." She says, sliding the needle into Eds arm. She injects the tetanus shot and then pulls the needle out, putting a bright green Band-Aid over the needle mark.

"Okay. You're all good. No sign of concussion, your arm's all better and" she picks up a Stethoscope, listening for the baby's heartbeat "your baby's fine. I'll send you home with some antivirals and a number to call if anything changes or feels off anytime between now and your due date. Until then, stay safe and, for God's sake listen to your husband."

Oswald leads a still very shook up Edward out of the hospital and down to the car.

"Hey, I'm so glad you're okay. Me and mommy were worried sick." Oswald says sweetly to Eds belly. Ed ruffles Oswalds hair, eternally grateful that nothing bad happened to the baby.

I am never going to the store for cheez-its and Reese's peanut butter cups ever again...

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