Riddles for Valentine's day

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Fluffy, cute, romantic, hottttttt Valentine's day Nygmobblepot oneshot.

Warnings: smut,

*Tissue warning if you're easily brought to tears by sappy cheesy romantic fluffy stuff*

Oswald POV

I've been at work all day, doing usual dull boring Mayor stuff like paperwork and whatnot, but I'm happier than usual because it's VALENTINE'S DAY. And it's my first Valentine's day with Edward Nygma, my beautiful handsome gorgeous boyfriend.

I'm so deep in thought that I jump in surprise when my phone rings, Taylor Swift's Fearless playing rather loudly.


"Hello, Edward!" I answer cheerfully, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hello, Oswald. Happy Valentine's day, my love!"

I blush madly at the comment, giggling slightly.

"Stop, I'm blushing so hard!"

"I won't stop...I love you..."

"Ed...aw, I love you too, baby..."

"So I'll see you tonight? Say, 6:30?"

"Of course..."

"I'll be waiting..."

Oh my God...the way he said that...that just drives me insane...so salacious...

"Goodbye, my little Penguin..."

"Goodbye, my little Riddler..."

At 6:30 I come home. The lights are dimmed and I can smell roses and Edward... oh, sweet sweet Edward Nygma...

I look around for any clue as to where he is, and I almost immediately find the purple envelope with a green question mark on the front.

Of course there's a riddle inside...

I'm soft and comfy on the outside yet hard and sharp on the inside and you're supposed to sleep on me, what am I?

"Mattress...wait...the bedroom?" I say quietly in disbelief. No, that can't be it... it's much too early in our relationship.
...right? We've only been together 3 months... it's much too early for...um...


I inch my way up the stairs, trying to steady my breathing and convince myself that the answer wasn't sexual in nature.

I come up to my bedroom door and go to open it. The minute I open it, the sweet delicate smell of Edward's cologne hits me, and I smile fondly. Oh, how I love that smell...

I open up the door more, and Ed is sitting at the desk, finishing his own paperwork, wearing the silky green pajamas I bought him.

"*Ahem* Eddie. I'm here..." I say awkwardly.

He spins around in the swiveling chair, smiling lovingly at me.

"Hello, Ozzie...you look great..." He says warmly, standing up and sauntering over to me.

"Um, thanks, I guess...it's what I had on this morning, so..."

"Why are you so nervous? It's nothing serious... just my Valentine's present for you..."

"Well, what did you get me?"

"Me..." He says rather... seductively...

He leans in and kisses me, and I moan softly, running my fingers through his soft hair. Oh, wow, he's a good kisser...

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