Queens of Gotham

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Does anyone else imagine Oswald Cobblepot in drag? Good, it's not just me...


I walk up the old, creaky stairs in the mansion. Oswald is still in his room. He should have been up hours ago.

"Oswald, you okay? You've been in here all day..." I say, knocking on the door.

"One minute!" He yells. I hear a thud! and a loud groan. I force the door open and gasp. He's sprawled in the floor wearing a purple dress and platform heels, with a long haired black wig on his head.

"What is this?" I say quietly, holding back a shocked laugh.

"It-it-it's... it's not what it looks like..." He says quietly, mortified as he stands up, wobbling due to the skyscraper heels he's wearing.

"What is it supposed to look like, Oswald?" I say quietly, staring at him. He looks gorgeous, to say the least.

"I just like wearing women's clothes sometimes, okay?!" He snaps, folding his arms in embarrassment. His makeup is perfect. The way that purple eyeshadow brings out his beautiful green eyes.

"Oswald, quit being embarrassed. This is nothing to be ashamed of. It's not that strange..." I say quietly. He shoots me a confused look.

"Just come with me to my room..." I say quietly, walking out of the doorway. He hobbles after me, somehow able to walk in those heels given his broken ankle.

We enter my room and I instruct him to sit on the bed and wait there. I walk into the walk-in closet and am glad to find the black dress bag hanging among my suits and coats. I unzip the bag and am more than pleased to see my old friend is still in good condition. No snags, fading or anything. I put the green dress on, sighing slightly as I feel the silky fabric slip over my body. I turn to the vanity mirror and put on my makeup, careful to not put on too much green eyeshadow. I put on my green high heels, making me even taller than I already am. To top it all off, I put on my favorite brunette wig with a wavy, curly shoulder length style.

I walk back into my bedroom and Oswald gasps. He stands up and walks over to me, looking me up and down in awe.

"You look beautiful." Is all he can manage to say at first.

"You do too..." I sigh deeply, gazing at him. He really does. The way that sparkly purple bridesmaid dress clings to him, giving him those voluptuous curves. Beautiful.

"You're more than the king of Gotham. You're the queen of Gotham now, too."

"Well, so are you..." He says quietly, chuckling. I chuckle too, playing with the hair of his wig.

We're startled by the door opening, but we relax a little when we realize it's only Olga.

She looks at us with her usual blank, unsurprised expression.

"Eh. Always had a hunch." She mutters, grabbing the dirty laundry hamper and leaving.

I'm sorry, I had to get this out of my system LOL...

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