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Chapter One
The Beginning

Over two hundred years ago a supposed genetic miracle happened. The female gender started to develop these strange and powerful abilities that became known as quirks.  At first there were just a few scattered across the world, but over the course of a few decades the majority of women possessed quirks. It got to the point where 98% of women developed a quirk around the age of four. With this drastic change for women came an equally drastic change for men.
At first nothing much changed for the male population, but as the female quirk population grew along with more powerful quirks appearing, a major shift in society happened. Starting off with men losing just being seen as weaker to outright being seen as lower class citizens. Men lost many rights and are used as basically slaves. Women hold all government positions as well as have rights that are very biased towards them. For example, the women hold full custody rights over children so a lot of men are just used for breeding and have been forced away for their children or that men have to obey what women say as if they don't then the women can freely use their powers to abuse them. Women took all the highest paying jobs such as doctors, teachers, lawyers, etc. There was even a new profession known as Heroes that consisted of only women because of their quirks.
This story starts with the birth of twins. One boy and one girl known as Izuku and Izumi Yagi. Though they're considered twins only because they were born on the same day. In reality the children have different mothers and are only related by the father, who was denied access to the children. This happens a lot. A lesbian couple uses a man to get children and then completely cut him out. The parents of the twins are known as Toshina Yagi, who is the mother of Izumi, and Inko Yagi the mother of Izuku. The twins were originally very close, but that changed when Izumi manifested her quirk.
—End of History—
~Third POV~
    We see a young four year old boy sitting on the couch waiting for his mothers and sister to come home. His sister, Izumi was finding out her quirk today and he was happy for her. The boy known as Izuku cared for his sister at the time very much and was reassuring her before she left for the doctors office. He told her that she could become a fantastic hero no matter what quirk she got. Izumi was also the only one that believed that he could become the first male hero. At this time Izuku did not know how messed up the world was and how messed up his life was going to become.Izuku waited patiently for hours until he finally heard the door open well past nighttime. He ran up to his Izumi to ask about her quirk?

    "Hey sis, what kind of a quirk did you get?" Izuku asked.

    "A stronger version of mommy Inkos quirk, Electro telekinesis. The doctor said I was very lucky to get such a quirk. Then she gave me a lollipop" Izumi answered ecstatically.

    "That's so cool! Now we can both become heroes! Right Izumi?"


    "Sis? Hello, are you there?"

    "Uhh, yeah I am here and that's r-right." Izumi said, looking kind of down and before Izuku could ask why she excused herself to her room.

~Next Day as School—Izumi POV~
    I was at school talking with my friends Katsuki Bakugo and Shoka Todoroki. Izuku was off drawing a hero costume for himself. I felt so worried for him. He's a boy so he is weak. If he tries to become a hero then he will surely get hurt or even worse he could die. As I was lost in thought someone yelled at me making me jump in suprise.

    "IZUMIIIIIII!!!!!!!" Katsuki screamed at the top of her lungs.

    "Whahh, oh uh yeah?" I answered blinking rapidly.

    "Is something wrong? You have been spacing out all day." Shoka asked.

    "I'm sorry girls. It's just I'm so worried about him and want him to be safe." I answer and they inquired on who,

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