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Amelia ran into the room. Since Arizona had paged a code blue, she had been freaking out thinking Meredith was dying but she was shocked to see Meredith awake, coughing but awake,” Meredith!” she said in utter shock and happiness as she grabbed a oxygen mask, tears streamed down her face as she looked at her awake sister in law.

Maggie had been even more worried than Amelia as she burst into the room, she saw Amelia there and noticed Meredith’s eyes are open. ‘Mer’s awake!” she thought to herself and looked at Arizona.

Meredith stopped coughing and her lungs filled with oxygen after she had the oxygen mask placed on by Amelia.
Amelia and maggie started to talk to Arizona and asking her why she paged code blue. Arizona didn't care if she alarmed them for no good reason, she was just glad that Meredith was feeling better. After Maggie's and Amelia's "lecture" she ran to Meredith and gave sher a big hug with some kissed. Even though she was just kissing her helmet, she liked to think it was meredith. Arizona was just sitting next to meredith but Meredith fell asleep and Arizona quietly left the room. She couldn't believe what had happened. She was terrified from Meredith coughing again and couldn't sleep because she was worried Meredith would flat line and when she would go to sleep, she would have nightmares of the worst things that could happen. She was outside Meredith's room and went outside to get some fresh air, while she took a deep breath and tried to analyze everything that had happened.

Meredith was waking up again, she groaned softly and opened her eyes to meet Amelia’s eyes.” Hey...” she said as she looked at her sister in law. She wondered if Amelia had been pacing around for however long she had been asleep, and knowing Amelia she most likely had done that exactly.

“ Hey it’s good to see you awake!” Amelia said, she couldn’t stop the smile on her face as she pushed a loose strand of Meredith’s hair out of her face, she was happy completely for the first time in weeks.
Arizona was done thinking, because she got too deep. She went to check on Meredith. She saw her talk to amelia and she was incredibly happy that she was awake. When she entered the room she gave a little knock on the door and said: 'hey mer. Hi amelia. How are you doing hun?' she gave a soft smile at them and sat in the chair next to the bed. She tried to be calm and try to resist hugging and kissinh Meredith. She tried very hard. She had missed being with meredith as much as she had missed being with sofia. She tried to make a small talk with Meredith but she saw that she was very tired and tried not to annoy her that much. She didn't care about anything anymore. She could stare at meredith all day long and she wouldn't be bored. That's what she did, and when meredith fell asleep she just admired her soft and calm look, while she was hearing her train-like snores of hers.

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