Another love

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After Meredith got ready to leave she walked out the hospital's doors. She felt so relieved, like the world was lifted from her back. All the pain was gone for now.

Arizona on the other hand had to wait for 2 weeks to go by. After Meredith had asked her to move in with her she couldn't hide her joy from her face. She went to Bailey's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Bailey said.

Arizona walked in and was greeted by Bailey.

"Hey Arizona. You got Meredith's results right?"

"Yea I did." She replied

"I see. Do you need anything I can help you with?"

"Yes I was hoping I can get some time off work if it's not a problem." Arizona asked.

"Are you aware of COVID protocol?!" Bailey asked but seemed mad.

"I am it's just that I need to take some time off work. Maybe about a month. I'm not saying immediately because I need to stay here for 2 weeks for COVID but after that."

"Fine, I think you need it as well"

"Okay thank you!" Arizona was happy that she had got Bailey's approval.
Then she walked out of the office and went back to doing work.

2 weeks later

It was finally time for Arizona to go home. She went to Bailey's office and greeted her. They talked for a little but then Arizona was on her way.
She wanted to surprise Meredith by arriving home earlier than supposed to. She drove to Meredith's house.
When she arrived there she got her luggage and didn't knock on the door. She could hear Meredith from the front door, talking on the phone. Arizona never spied on anyone but she thought to herself why not. She put her ear next to the door and tried to hear as carefully as she could.

"... I love you so much. Can't wait to see you tonight..." Meredith said on the phone, with a very seducive tone.

Arizona immediately stepped back from the door and could already feel tears streaming down her face. She never thought that would happen. She didn't hear what happened next but she aggressively grabbed her luggage and walked down the small stairs.
Meredith heard her and panicked.

"I'll call you later!" Meredith said and hung up.

She opened the door to see Arizona already on the sidewalk repacking her luggage.

"Arizona what's wrong?" She asked seeing mascara smudged on her face.

"Don't act like nothing happened!" She yelled back at Meredith.

"What do you mean by that? Tell me what's wrong." Meredith asked with a worried tone, shaking her head.

"What's wrong?! You cheating on me that's what's wrong!" Arizona yelled and cried. She left her luggage where it was and ran away.

"Arizona wait!" Meredith said as she was running towards her.

Meredith started getting close to her and grabbed her by her arm.

"Let me go!" Arizona demanded while pulling back her arm.


"Let me explain! Why do you think I'm cheating on you?!" Meredith asked.

"Why?! Why?! You were fucking talking on a phone and saying I love you and can't wait to see you tonight?! She replied and emphasising the word 'tonight'.

"Arizona I'm not cheating on you!" Meredith replied, trying her best not to tell the truth right away.

"What were you doing then huh?! After everything we've been through, everything we've survived, after all of it?! You decide to do that?! Oh my God why?!" Arizona's words became louder and louder than the previous one.

"Let me explain..." Meredith said calmly, trying to calm her down by rubbing her hand gently.

"You've explained enough!" Arizona said as she pulled her hand away from Meredith.

"Arizona!" Listen to me!" Meredith demanded.

She grabbed Arizona's arm, pulling her towards her as softly and gently as she could in order not to hurt her.
Arizona gave up on trying to run away from her. She rested her head on her shoulder, with tears running down her face.

"Explain yourself" she said with a soft tone, unable to raise her voice.

"I would never, ever cheat on you. If I ever do kill me. What I was saying on the phone was a voice message for you when you were supposed to come home. I ordered a voice-recorded card for you, something simple but somewhat special for the person I love the most on this entire universe. I know it's cringe but I wanted to do something nice for you." She tried to explain herself.

"That's not made up, is it?" Arizona asked from paranoia.

"Of course not dummy" she replied.

They both laughed a little and Arizona let out a deep breath out of relief.

"I will never cheat on you. I will never, I assure you that." Meredith told her while stroking her hair.

"Good, you better not." Arizona said.

They both laughed a little again.

"You realize we're in the middle of the street in a neighborhood and we're making a scene, right?" Arizona said and raised her head from her shoulder, facing Meredith.

"I don't care as long as I'm with you." Meredith said.

As soon as Arizona looked at Meredith, their eyes locked. Meredith got lost in Arizona's piercing blue eyes. She thought they were the ocean. Arizona interrupted their eye contact by moving her lips closer to Meredith's. She then closed her eyes and put her lips on Meredith's. As soon as their lips connected Meredith put her hands on Arizona's back, gently rubbing it. As every second went by, the deeper their kiss became. They've both missed that feeling of home when they kissed each other, the feeling of comfort , the feeling of safety.

They pulled away after a couple of seconds went by.

"I've missed that, so much." Meredith said while moving her hands on Arizona hair, gently stroking it.

"Me too." Arizona said. A smile appeared on her face. She kissed her cheek.

"Let's go home and do much more" she whispered in a seducive tone in Meredith's ear, bitting the lobe softly.
Meredith smirked and laughed.
"Let's go" she replied and grabbed Arizona's arm.

She pulled her and they were on their way back home. They held hands all the way back home, resting their heads on each others shoulders.

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