Never end

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*this isn't really realistic, since I'm calming down the COVID situation*

Since they lasted talked, which was 3 days since their last conversation, a lot had changed.  The COVID situation had been more stable and controllable, and Meredith had started to get better. When Amelia told this to Arizona she could barely hold her happiness. Arizona went to Meredith's room, finding her sitting on the bed, doing nothing. "Hey, I got good news today, and you definitely know" said Arizona with a big smile on her face. "Well I do know, I'm really glad that I'm getting better" meredith replied. Arizona sat on the chair next to the bed, while grabbing her hand. "Listen, when you get better, there's so many things we can do, and I'm so happy that you're better, as you can see. I've got a lot of work to do so I better get going. I love you" Arizona said and "kissed" her hand. Since she was wearing a hazmat suit, it was just a habit to attempt to kiss her hand, but they loved it.
Meredith was feeling better. She was incredibly happy that things with Arizona were starting to get better. They hadn't talked about the Callie/Derek situation. Meredith and everyone knew that she will never love someone as much as Derek, that was obvious, but she loves Arizona so much to let her dream from moving on. Arizona, on the other hand, had completely forgotten about the Callie thing. She knew that they were over, she knew that she didn't have feelings for her, and she loves Meredith. Things were pretty clear, but they were their true loves. They weren't trying to replace them. So things were pretty clear, they love each other too much to let their dreams from loving each other.
Every 30 minutes, Arizona would come into Meredith's room, would chat for 10 minutes, and the cycle was repeated. It was annoying but Meredith enjoyed that.
Whenever Arizona left the room, Meredith just went back to getting too deep into her thoughts. Overthinking, about the kids, her health, Arizona and her family. As soon as she got better, she wanted to do a family "gathering", not until the pandemic was over, but just a nice videochat with them. They were thinking of doing a videochat with Sofia, and Amelia and Zola, Bailey and Ellis, since Amelia was taking care of them. She really wanted to introduce Arizona more to them, even though she'd only mentioned her a couple of times, not in the right way. They'd been dating for about 8 months now, things were going on mostly smoothly, of course with the ups and downs of every relationship.
After 30 minutes had passed, Arizona got in the room. "Did I go for too long?" Arizona said ironically, knowing she had put a timer. "Zona, look, I've been thinking about something" Meredith said. Arizona could feel her heart rushing fast, thinking she was about to end things. "What have you been thinking about?" She asked. "Well, you know that the kids don't know a lot about us, so I wanted to do a 'family gathering' and we could videochat with the kids. I think it would be great, and we can even have an actual family gathering when the pandemic is over. I think it's important." Meredith said. Arizona was relieved. "I think that's really sweet and great, we should definitely do that. I really want to let the kids know about us, and it will be quite new to them but it's what's best for all of us."
Arizona sat next to her, not on the chair, but on the bed. She layed her head on her shoulder and after a couple of minutes they talked and talked. "Meredith, I love you. I really do. You're the person I love most in this world." There was silence for a couple of seconds. "I'm sorry if that was random, but I really wanted to say that." "No it's not random, I really love you. I'm glad that we're okay." "I am too".
They cuddled for a little and it was time for Arizona to go. "I have to go now, I'll see you later." "Okay, bye bye!" Meredith replied. "I love you." Arizona said with a smile on her face. "I love you too" Meredith replied.
After Arizona left Meredith felt amazing. She loved cuddling with her and talking and just being with her. She wished that it would never end, time woule just stop and there would be nothing from keeping them from being with each other.

*I'm so sorry I haven't been active*

MerZona (Meredith & Arizona)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن