Sleep tight

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Amelia soon left to try and give Arizona some time alone with Meredith even if Meredith was fast asleep. She knew that Arizona was scared and scared for Meredith just as much as she was. She leaned on the wall outside Mer’s room and she sighed.

It was a wonder how Meredith wasn’t waking up from her own loud snoring. Her hand rested in her Arizona’s as she slept.
Arizona was very very tired. She knew how meredith must have felt. She remembered when she was in the hospital after the plane crash and how Callie was always around her and never leaving her room. She hated it. So she decided to let meredith be on her own. She couldn't possibly disturb her as she was sleeping.
Arizona had 2 things in mind: 1. To go to the bathroom and cry or 2. To go to the on-call room and take a nap for about an hour. She was too tired to cry as she had lost Every source of her energy just thinking so she decided to go with alternative 2. Before she left she gave Meredith a soft kiss on her hand and went to the on-call room.
She layed down on one of the beds and she was getting flashbacks of the activities she would do with Meredith. All the fun and exciting moments of her and Meredith. She had never felt this way before for anyone.
When Arizona woke up she immediately checked her phone and was devistated to look at the time. It had been 4 hours since her nap and she got ready as fast as she could and went to Meredith's room. When she got there she saw Meredith awake and was sad that she didn't get to see the moment she woke up, because she looks absolutely adorable after she wakes up and yawns in her cute and soft voice. "Hey. I'm back" she said as she sat down again on the chair. They talked for a while and time went by very fast. They couldn't believe it was 9pm already. "You should go now. It's late and you need your sleep. I'm here, not going anywhere" said meredith as she laughed softly. "I'm going to leave you alone and I'm going to sleep in the on-call room. I'm always here, if you need anything just call me" said Arizona as she put Meredith's hair behind her ear. "I love you" said arizona as she layed a soft kiss on her forehead, and of course it wasn't a real kiss, but she continued anyway. After they exchanged some words arizona left the room and went to sleep in the on-call room.
Meredith was sad as Arizona had left, she was unable to sleep after all she had woken up from a coma then just had a long nap so she resolved to watching shows on Netflix till she fell asleep at around 2 am. She mumbled for Arizona in her sleep turning over and shifting on the bed. She wanted to go see her but every-time she got up her vision blurred.

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