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Arizona went into shock when meredith fell down. "Get me a crash cart!" She yelled as she was holding meredith with her arms. She was worried and she could feel her forehead burning. "She must have gone into a coma again" she said to herself. "It's my fault, I'm a terrible person" she blamed herself.
Meredith was a dead weight in Arizona’s arms.

Amelia ran in,” Oh my god Arizona what happened?!” she said.

Arizona could barely process eveything that happened in the past hour. "I-i-i.." arizona could barely form her words. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth and said "I had a fight with her. Then I left the room and came back after a couple of minutes to check on her but she wasn't here. And-and I checked the other room and she was giving CPR to a patient who flatlined. I pulled her away to do it myself then when I called time of death after 15minutes she fell into my hands. Then you know the rest".
“ Shit of course she did that, she must have been on a COVID high and feeling better except all it did was make her weaker!” Amelia said checking Meredith’s pulse.
"it's definitely that" Arizona said as soon as she looked at meredith. "What is going to happened now?! Why didn't you guys inform me before this had happened?! And if this is the end my last words will be "I am going to do that!"
“ Arizona she is going to be fine, can you carry her back to her room?” Amelia asked.
"that's the least I can do" arizona replied carrying on the guilt itself. She felt terrible holding meredith, ut felt as if she was holding a dead body, because of the lack of movement. She tried her best to feel better but as soon as she put meredith down she left the room immediately and went home.
Amelia sat with Meredith and she held her hand though her gloves. Arizona didn’t even seem to care about Meredith which was really weird. She looked down at her sister in law sighing.
After Arizona packed her bags and was about to leave near the entrance she asked herself "is this what I want? Is this it? How can I be so insensitive?" After she'd asked those questions to herself over and over she said "no it's not the end of it. I have to make things right". She rushed into Meredith's room and started asking amelia questions about Meredith's state.
“ Arizona if her oxygen gets any lower I might have to put her on a vent but Webber makes the call and he is with a patient a-and if she goes on the vent I might lose her” Amelia said.
"You won't lose her, we will lose her. If it goes to that point I don't know what else I will be able to believe." Arizona said with a devistated tone. "I'm going to talk to Webber."
“ Okay you can try but he’s a mess” Amelia said as she put her head in her hands and felt tears hit her hands.

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