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Everyday is the same for them. Meredith lays on her bed, facetimes with family and barely gets out of her room. Arizona runs between Meredith's room, the on-call room and the E.R. It's been so boring for both of them, but the situation gets better when they stay together.
'I can't do it anymore!' Meredith yelled in her room. Arizona could hear her from across the room and immediately ran into her room. 'What's wrong?!' she asked. 'I can't do this! I'm sick of this! I can't see my children nor my girlfriend or family!' she yelled and cried while wrapping her arms around Arizona's waist and laying her head on her shoulder. 'Meredith..' Arizona said. There was a moment of silence, trying to process and think of what to say. 'I know this is hard, I really do. Darling, hang on. As soon as things get better everything will be much better. I promise you.' Arizona said with her sweet voice, trying to calm Meredith down.
'I don't want to hang on, I can't anymore! I can't deal with this! Everything is getting worse, what if..' there was silence. 'If what?' Arizona asked.
'What if something happens to me? Or to you? Or to our families?!' Meredith replied. 'Nothing is going to happen! Nothing bad is going to happen. Believe me when I tell you things won't get worse'. Even if Arizona said these things, deep down she knew she had to worry about these things.
Life was getting very depressing and hard and stressful. They were used to seeing the patients coming in the hospital every single day, but being one of those patients or loved ones that were waiting and hoping for the best for their loved ones in the hospital was different. They knew what the doctors would say when they came outside the O.R, if they liked it or not.
Meredith had been infected with COVID for the past 3 weeks. Recently the situation has been under control. She was going to do the COVID test to see if she's getting better or not.
'Look, Meredith... I don't know what I should say. I don't know how you feel but I do know that you can do this. You're the strongest person I know.' Arizona said to Meredith when they were chilling on the bed. 'I was strong. Now I'm just lonely. I don't even know why I'm hanging on. Probably because of you and the kids. But if I didn't really have a reason to hang on I wouldn't be here in the first place.' Meredith said.
So basically, Meredith seemed to be depressed. Why wouldn't she be though, after most of her family members have died, her closest friends have left and she has been dealing with COVID? Arizona was comforting her, saying a lot of things to try and cheer her up. She gave her dark chocolate, because she heard that it's good for COVID and it's the healthiest chocolate she could find. 'Here, something for you. It's not much but I just want you to feel better.' Arizona said as she gave her the chocolate.
After their daily talk it was time for Arizona to report for duty. 'Meredith, I love you.' she said with tears streaming down her face. 'I love you too Zona.' Meredith said. They both couldn't wait until Meredith was COVID free, since they were so many things they had to do.

A.N: Hey guys! I haven't been active but hope you like this :)

MerZona (Meredith & Arizona)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora