Too good to be true

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After Arizona had left the room, she went to talk to Maggie. 'The results come back in about 13 hours, don't worry it's not too long' Maggie reassured her. 'What if it still is positive?! What if she needs to be put in a vent?!' Arizona shouted. 'Don't worry that's not going to happen!' 'If you put her on a vent she's gone! That's the lowest point of this and if you do that she's gone!' Arizona yelled while crying. 'Arizona!' Maggie yelled.

Arizona just ran and went into the bathroom. She was crying and crying even harder. She couldn't imagine what can happen. Arizona felt like she was losing her mind. 'I don't know anymore! I don't know!' she yelled while in the bathroom. After about 10 minutes of going crazy she went to the on-call room and took a nap. She needed it. She spent the last 3 hours sleeping. When she got up she got dressed immediately and ran to Meredith's room.

When she got there Meredith was still asleep. She looked really cute and that put a smile on Arizona's face. She sat on the chair next to the bed and waited until Meredith woke up. She was literally staring at her for about 10 minutes until she woke up. 'ah!' Meredith yelled Because she got scared. 'Hey there' Arizona said. 'Hi Zona' Meredith replied. 'Your test results come in 10 hours or so. Just wanted to remind you' 'I know...' 'Look, whatever happens we can do it.' Arizona said. 'Yeah I know. I don't know what I'll do if they come positive, again.' 'I get that. I do.'

Whenever Arizona said the word 'I do' she always smiled. She thought of a wedding, where she was getting married with Meredith. She knew it was too soon but she loved to think about it. She couldn't wait at all for that big day.

'Look Mer, I know this is hard. I really do. You can rely on me for everything. I promise you I'm not leaving, not soon nor ever. I swear I love you more than anything and I want you to know that.' Arizona said. 'Zona, I love you so much. Thank you for being here. I'm sorry if this is stressful but I'm grateful you're here.' 'As I said I'm not going anywhere' Arizona said with a smirk on her face. They both felt better now. They felt comfort as soon as they had the slightest interaction with each other. They went on talking for about 2 hours. '8 hours to go now' they thought to themselves. Arizona's pager went off. 'Hey I need to go now. I love you' Arizona said and rushed to the E.R.

Meredith called Amelia and asked her to come to her room. 'Hey I got your text, what's wrong?' Amelia asked. 'Amelia, what's going to happen if it comes out positive?' That was a rhetorical question and she knew the question but she didn't know what to say. 'I mean I know but are things going to be okay?' Meredith asked. 'Look, Mer, you've been sick for 3 weeks now. That's about 21 days. That should be the time that you need to be COVID free in order to prevent complications. I'm no expert though, you should ask Maggie or Teddy about this. But we'll do everything in our power to help you get through this.' Amelia said. She left the room afterwards.

After 8 hours the results came out. 'Arizona get here! The results are here!' Meredith called Arizona while holding the envelope with her shaky hands. Arizona rushed into the room and was exhausted, worried and scared. They both opened the results. They checked each test more than 5 times to see that everything was fine. And there it was, negative! Meredith no longer had COVID. 'OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD I'M NEGATIVE!' Meredith screamed. 'YES MEREDITH YOU'RE OKAY! YES!' Arizona joined her. Arizona hugged Meredith as hard as she could. They got her checked out and did all the necessary procedures, documents, everything and Meredith was now good to go home. 'Zona, since now I'm COVID free, and I'm staying home for quite some time, you should come stay with me and the kids.' Meredith told her. 'I will come in 2 weeks. COVID rules. But yes I'll come!' Arizona said.

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