Chapter Twenty-Six

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I flew straight to Rowena's apartment. Although we were in a hurry, I still had the etiquette to not invite myself in. I knocked on her door, and she opened it after a few seconds. We were about the same height, so she had to look down to meet my eyes. "Sorry if you were expecting Sam and Dean," I smiled. "But hey, at least I'm not so tall you have to look up to see me. Can I come in?"

"Oh, of course, my boy," she smiled, opening the door further. I stepped inside and she closed the door behind me.

"So Dean told me to tell you that they're on their way and'll be here as soon as humanly possible." She raised an eyebrow. "Okay, I added that last part," I admitted.

The witch chuckled. "Oh, Lucas. You're like the son I never had." She patted my cheek and sat back down at her desk, where she was looking through a number of books, most likely looking for a spell to help the Winchesters. I sat at the seat across from her.

"Did you ever have any kids, Rowena?" I ask, sitting in the chair across the desk.

She sighed, and closed her book. Oh no. "I did have a son once."

I leaned forward, resting my arms on the table. I could tell that there was a long story coming up. "What happened to him?"

Rowena took on a bitter look as she stared off, remembering her past, I assume. "His name was Fergus. His father was... well let's just say he was a real dick. I gave birth to Fergus, and he said he loved me. No sooner than he did, he went running back to his grand house with his noble wife. He left me, and I was left with his bastard son. Fergus and I never did get along. Although, I'll admit I did try to sell him for three pigs. Or was it two? I can't remember." She sighed. "Every time I looked at him, I remembered the woman I once was. I was strong, I was respected. Eventually we parted ways. It turned out that he sold his soul for an extra three inches below the belt, if you know what I mean. He killed himself before the hellhounds came for him. And then, a few years ago, I got into a bit of a tangle with Hell. It turned out that Fergus became a demon, and eventually the King of Hell. When we met, he was going by Crowley. Quite dramatic, if you ask me. But anyway. He killed himself a bit ago to trap Lucifer in some alternate reality."

Rowena snapped her attention back to me, putting on a smile. "Oh well. All's well that ends well. And by the way," she muttered, leaning across the desk. "I like you quite a bit better."

I laughed, "Well, good! Hey, do you think I'd be worth three pigs?"

She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, scoffing, "Oh, no, you're worth at least ten pigs, easy." We both sat there laughing for a bit, when out of nowhere came a knock at the door. Frowning, Rowena checked her phone. "Well that was quick."

"I'll get back to the bunker and start reading up," I told her, standing up. "Thanks for your story about Fergus."

Rowena nodded and told me that I was welcome to visit whenever I liked. I flew home as she went to open the door.


My feet planted firmly on the floor of my bedroom, and I started pacing. "Okay," I muttered aloud. "Jack killed Mary and his snake. Cas knows about the snake, and probably knows that I knew, but didn't tell Dean, so maybe he was just trying to keep all of his yelling focused on him. But now that Mary's gone, Dean's gonna go batshit looking for her, which he's obviously not gonna find anything; 'cause she's fucking dead!" I kicked the wall and flopped down onto the bed, continuing to talk to myself. "Deep breaths, Lucas. Chill the hell out." I sighed, collecting myself, and started again.

I groaned. "On the downside, if I tell Dean that Jack killed his mom, he'll be furious at me for not already telling him, and will probably make me solve the problem for it. On the upside, he'll know what to do with Jack, and probably how to confront him a hell of a lot better than I would.

"Why couldn't Jack just not have killed her!" I hollered to nobody in particular.

For a while I just lied there, stuck with my thoughts, until...


I sat bolt upright. What the hell? I ran out to the Library, and mumbled, "Rowena?" I saw Jack pulling Rowena behind him, making his way towards what looked like the hall leading towards the supply room. "Jack!" He stopped and looked back at me, but continued walking. I speed walked behind him. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Getting something."

I asked, "Rowena, what's going on?"

She looked at me with wide eyes and shook her head. "Lucas, go get Sam an -"

Jack stopped in his tracks and whirled around, shoving me back. I flew across the room and hit my back against one of the pillars underneath the stairwell. "No. You're not getting them. You," he grabbed my wrist and slapped a handcuff on it, putting one on my other wrist as well. "Are not going to do anything."

That's enough. I scowled at my cousin and snarked, "Jack. What do you honestly expect handcuffs to do? I'm the son of Michael. I'm as powerful as you. If not, more."

"Those are the handcuffs that Sam and I used to trap Michael. Not your father, but the one from a different reality, who had completely conquered it. I'm confident they'll hold you." With that, he continued on his course and pulled Rowena along with him.

As much as I hated him right then, he was right. I could feel it. That buzz of power that I had felt ever since I got my powers back was dulled now so much that it was almost nothing. Scowling, I shook my head and started forward. "Why you son of a -" I was jerked to a stop. My handcuffs were now secured with a chain around the pillar.

I snapped.

"JACK!" I bellowed. I could feel my eyes glowing and the building start shaking. "JACK! JACK, GET THESE OFF ME!


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