Chapter Sixteen

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Episode Sixteen: Don't Go in the Woods

Jack and I were reading in the telescope room, as I had dubbed it, when Sam and Dean came in. Ever since I got here, I'd been hanging out with Jack more and more. I mean, aside from the fact that our fathers are mortal enemies, we are still cousins, and we should get along as such. And also it's nice to have someone my own age to talk to about all this supernatural stuff.

"Hey," Dean started. "uh... good reading?" He pointed to the pile of books in between our chairs.

"Yeah," I looked up at them and stated, "I didn't know wraiths looked different in mirrors."

Jack added, "Did you know Article 246 of the Haitian criminal code officially makes it against the law to turn a human into a zombie?"


Sam spoke up. "Jack, Lucas, listen. Dean and I are heading out on a case."

"And... you don't want me and Lucas to come," Jack stated.

"Look, the truth is," Sam started, but was interrupted by his brother.

"We don't want to leave the bunker empty. In case Mom or some of the other hunters call and need help. So..." he trailed off. "And this place is long overdue for a restock. So, your mission, should you choose to accept - I made you a list." He handed me a slip of paper.

"Our mission is shopping?" I asked incredulously. I read off the list, "Beer, toilet paper, eggs, more beer..."

"Twice?" Sam scoffed.

I handed the paper to Jack, who smiled at the hunters. "We'll do it."

"Great!" Dean clapped. "We'll be in touch." And with that they walked out the door.


When Jack and I got to the store in town, there was a sign on the door that said, "Out to lunch!" Jack checked his phone for the time and shrugged at me. Three teenagers walked up and a brunette girl in a red jacket waved awkwardly. "Hey!"

We waved back and simultaneously greeted them with a "Hello!"

I frowned and told them, "Sorry, that was creepy."

"Are you lost?" she asked.

"Umm..." Jack frowned and I interrupted.

"No, we're just waiting for the store to open."

The boy wearing a beanie looked super excited as he stepped closer and asked Jack, "You live with Sam and Dean, right? They're not here right now," he observed, and glanced around. "Are they fighting ghosts?"

I glanced at Jack and we nervously chuckled. "What's a ghost?" he asked.

"We should go," I stated, and Jack and I started to walk in the other direction, but the bleach-blond girl spoke up and stopped us.

"Hey, its cool." We turned back around. "We know. About their whole Hunter thing." The rest of them nodded.

We both sighed in relief. "Oh, good," Jack smiled. "I don't like to lie. It makes my stomach hurt. Like when you have to burp, but you can't burp. Yeah."

After a little awkward silence, the girl in the red coat asked, "So... you guys need something?"

"We do, but the store's closed," I pointed out.

"Not anymore," she smirked, holding up a keychain.

So Jack and I were able to get in. Jack grabbed a case of beer for Dean and put it on the counter while I was looking at the pie selection. Suddenly, the guy, who I had learned was named Eliot (the brunette was Stacy and the blond one was Max), popped up in front of me and started to drill me with monster questions. "I've been watching these guys called the Ghostfacers. You heard of 'em?" I just shook my head and put the pie in the basket. "They're awesome. They know all about ghosts, and I'm reading books."

"Cool," I smiled. "I'm reading about my da- I mean, I'm reading about the archangel Michael."

"Angels are real?"

I scoffed. "Oh, yeah. There's a lot of others out there too."

"Like what?"

"Well, there's vampires, wendigos, werewolves, shapeshifters, rugaru, djinn, wraiths, sirens, ghouls, demons, leviathans, a bunch of others."

"And you know about all of them?"

I set the basket up on the counter, where Jack was waiting with the beer. "Yeah, pretty much," I said with a shrug.

"Lucas," he beamed. "Will you and Jack be my best friends?"

"Dude, stop stalking them," the Stacy, then smiled at us apologetically. "Sorry. Ever since he found out about this stuff he's been obsessed."

"It's fine," Jack chuckled.

Max, who was sitting on the counter, asked us, "Do you guys ever, like, hang out?"

Jack and I looked at each other in confusion. "Well, we have movie nights on Tuesdays," Jack offers. "Dean usually picks. I've seen 'Lost Boys' like 36 times."

"I liked 'Red Dawn.'" I nodded, then added as an afterthought, "The 1984 version, not the new one."

"I mean with kids your own age," Max corrected herself.

"Well, I hang out with Lucas," Jack smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Okay," Stacy smiled politely. "Well, we're going to the Stoke place tomorrow, if you guys wanna chill."

"It's this old farmhouse outside of town," the blond girl, Max explained as she jumped off the counter. "No one goes there."

"So we can talk about monsters," Eliot beamed.

"And other non-freak things."

"I..." Jack smiled. "I think we'd like that."

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