8: Questions

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Hajime's POV:

I roll over in my bed and look at my clock. 9:30am. Thank God it's a Saturday.

I can't get over what happened yesterday. Everything was normal with Komaeda, we found out Nanami was fine, we were eating ice-cream together...and something just changed in him. He was crying, and he just...ran away. No explanation at all. Did I do something?

I always knew he was a strange person, it doesn't take long after meeting him to figure that out. But he's a complete mystery. Why is he always shaking? Why did he jump out of his chair? Why did he do...whatever that was in the doorway?

Leaving things like this just feels...incomplete, so I decide to send him a message. Nanami made a group chat for the whole class, so luckily I have everyone's number, even though Komaeda never gave me his directly.

Hinata: Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday. Are you okay?

Sure, it's basic, but it's a start. I really want him to tell me what's going on. But then again, there is a chance he doesn't even know. There's a chance no-one knows.

Wait...there are two people who might...

Nanami and Celeste. I don't know how often he talks to either of them, but they were the first ones who suggested to me that something might be up with him, even though I still don't really understand what they meant. Maybe I should ask them.

I sit up in my bed and take my phone from the bedside table. I was planning to talk to Celeste first, but I don't have their number. So I guess I'll ask Nanami first.

Hinata: Hi. I just want to know, how much do you know about Komaeda?

That sounds a little weird, but I don't know how else to say it. I'll probably have to wait a while for Nanami to respond, she probably stayed up all night gaming and then fell asleep-

Nanami: Can I call you?

Well, that was fast. But why does she need to call me? Does she want to make sure I can't screenshot whatever she's going to say...? Anyway, I'm too deep in this hole to say "no," now. I told her she could call me, and within a few seconds my phone was ringing.

"Hey," I say as soon as I pick up.

"Well, Hinata-kun, you finally thought on what I said?"

"Kind of...well, actually, something happened and that made me remember what you said." I don't really know how to phrase all the questions I want to ask and all the things I want to tell her, but that's a start.

"Well then," Nanami says, rather nonchalantly, "What happened?"

I begin to explain to her what happened yesterday, how Komaeda was seemingly okay and almost normal one minute, and then crying and completely silent the next.

"And then he just left," I finish, with a hint of annoyance in my voice. "Didn't say anything, just turned around and left."

Nanami is silent for a few seconds, and then giggles a little.

"What are you laughing about?" I ask her, sounding a little aggressive.

"I'm sorry, it's just..." She pauses for a few seconds to regain her composure. "You two went on an ice-cream date!"

Wow. I- Wow. "Oh come on, grow up," I huff down the phone.

"Sorry, sorry. But to be honest, a lot of my interactions with Komaeda-kun go the same way. I honestly don't know that much about him. He's impossible to try to talk to about this stuff. And honestly, it really worries me. A lot."

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