5: Secret

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Nagito's POV:

So, Nanami-san isn't here? I glance over to the seat behind Hinata-kun to confirm it. She really isn't. That's weird, she seemed fine talking to me yesterday. Did...did something happen to her? Did...did I make something happen to her? I could have touched something I shouldn't of without realizing it, or did too many things in fours...She's not dead, is she? Nothing happened to her, right?

The bell signalling the end of first period drags me out of my anxiety. I did get here late, so I'm not surprised that it was over so quickly. Yukizome-Sensei begins to get organized for the next class, and my classmates begin to talk amongst themselves. Using the few minutes I have before the next class, I take out my phone and find Nanami-san's number. We don't talk that often, but she's asked me if I'm okay on several occasions. Obviously the answer was no, and obviously I didn't tell her that, but it felt nice knowing that someone cared. Still, my hands shake as I type out the message. I'm probably weird to her too, right? What if she only talks to me because she pities me? In that case, there's no way she'd wanted me to text her. But the others probably are worried about her too, so maybe she'd think I was doing it on their behalf...? Is that a good thing?

Regardless of my anxiety, I texted Nanami-san.

Komaeda: Hey, haven't seen you all day. You kind of just disappeared. Are you alright?

I pressed send. That's fine, right?

Before I could consider it too much, the next class began.

Mahiru's POV:

I carefully draw little stars and sparkles around my notes as I listen to Yukizome-Sensei talk in the background. This moment would feel peaceful if I wasn't worried about Nanami-san. I'm sure everyone in the room is, she doesn't just disappear like this normally.

"Hey, Mahiru-chan?" Hiyoko-chan whispers to me from my left. "Anything back from Nanami-san?"

I shake my head lightly and laugh, "You know I'd tell you if I got anything back. Besides...I think she'd reply to Mioda-san first." I glance over in Mioda-san's direction, she seems more worried than the rest of us. It's really unlike her, she's normally really bubbly and hyper. I should go check on her after class. I mean, Mioda-san and Nanami-san are really close, so it's to be expected. Maybe we're all just overreacting though.

"That Mioda's probably in on it," Hiyoko-chan hissed. "She's probably playing along with whatever trick Nanami's playing." Hiyoko-chan shuddered, "I hate people who play tricks."

I know Hiyoko-chan does. She barely trusts anyone and hates when people toy with her emotions. But does that mean she's worried...?

I smiled, "But it seems to me like you'd prefer it if it was a trick, hm? Because you don't want to be worried about Nanami-san, right? That's really sweet of you."

She blushes and averts her gaze. "Y-Yeah, well..." she trails off.

"Besides, I think Nanami-san goes somewhere regularly but doesn't tell anyone. She is randomly unavailable and doesn't tell anyone why. I ran into her once on the street a while away from here, and she seemed distressed I had seen her there. It was really unlike her." I recall the memory as I whisper it to Hiyoko-chan, I still have no idea what that was about.

"Creepy..." Hiyoko-chan whispers and turns away.

Nagito's POV:

As much as I hate to eavesdrop, I was listening to Koizumi-san's every word. She does sit right in front of me, and since I'm worried about Nanami-san, I couldn't just ignore it. So, Nanami-san goes somewhere and doesn't want anyone to know? That's interesting. As someone who also hides a secret from everyone, it's interesting to see what my classmates pick up about each other. And it's also interesting that Nanami-san apparently hides something, I wouldn't expect that from her. But now that I think about it, we all probably have something we don't want each other to know about. No human doesn't have regrets. We all have secrets.

(Time skip to lunch period. Also CW for mentions of food.)

Hajime's POV:

The sense of unease in the classroom is starting to die down as we socialize and eat our lunches. We are all worried about Nanami, of course, but the realization that she's probably fine is starting to settle in. Komaeda and Mioda still seem a bit uneasy, but that may or may not be related to Nanami. Speaking of Komaeda, I look in his direction to see him staring in my direction, to around to my hands. This is happening so often, so I decide to walk over to him.

"Hey, you okay?" I say lightly.

"Huh?" He seems caught off-guard at the fact I spoke to him. Or is it that he thought no-one would speak to him?

"Are you okay? You've been staring in my direction for a while, and you seem on edge," I say, readjusting my weight to my other leg .

"Ahaha, sorry. Yes, I'm fine."

"Are you, though?" Wait. What did I just say? I don't think I even meant to say that, but...he really doesn't seem "fine". He never has to me. And yeah, maybe what Nanami said to me is coming back to me now that she's mysteriously gone.

Komaeda doesn't seem to have a response to what I blurted out, he just sit there, looking up at me, dumbfounded.

I blush a little, "Ah, um...sorry. I'll take your word for it. You just seemed...y'know, since no-one knows where Nanami-san went."

Seemingly relieved by the change of topic, his eyes flash to seats in front of his desk to find them empty before speaking. "I accidently overheard Koizumi-san say that she once saw Nanami-san on one of those times where she's mysteriously unavailable and she seemed distressed...maybe those events and today are correlated?" He spoke, seemingly deep in thought.

"That's interesting," I say, "I mean, Nanami-san's life isn't really any of our business, but we can't help to feel worried, I guess. But hey, that was clever of you to figure that out. I wouldn't have guessed that."

His faces heats up and he looks at the floor. "R-Really, it was nothing. I just overheard a conversation and made a conclusion. Th-That's all..."

I grin at the blushing boy. "That's still impressive, you know." His reaction to being complimented is actually kind of cute. "Hey," I say with a sudden rush of confidence, "Would like to discuss this over ice-cream after school or something?" H-Hold on, did I just-

"I-I'd be honored to, if you actually want to spend time with t-trash like me, Hinata-kun...thank you."

Well. I guess that's happening now. I really just invited the weird kid out to ice-cream. I am kind of interested in him, I guess. I wonder what he's really like beneath all that self-loathing and hope talk. And if he turns out to be as weird as he seems, oh well, I tried.

"See you after school, then!"

"Y-Yeah, see you...!"

A/N: I don't know, Hajime. That's pretty gay. Oh, and in case you didn't pick up on it, Mahiru x Hiyoko and Chiaki x Ibuki are there as side pairings. I don't think their relationships are that relevant to the story so if you don't like those ship, don't worry. Anyway, bananas are high in Vitamin B6 which helps the brain produce serotonin, y'know, that thing my brain never produces. So yeah, use that information as you will.

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