19: Tree

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Nagito's POV:

I wake to the sound of my alarm going off. I really don't want to move right now. I'm too comfortable. I could just not go to school, I know Yukizome-Sensei doesn't mind if I do that if it's because of my mental illness, but she wouldn't know. I slowly open my eyes and the first thing I see is Hajime with his arms around me, almost protectively.

Holy shit.

I forgot about that.

Somehow he's managing to sleep through the alarm. Sighing, I turn it off. It's a Friday, and we have school today. Would Hajime be mad if I woke him up this early? I don't think so. He probably isn't a morning person, but I don't think he'd be mad at me.

"Hajime...?" I whisper. He doesn't move. "Hajime?" I say, voice a little bit louder, but still hushed. He still doesn't move. I take a deep breath and shake him as best I can while still wrapped in his arms. "Hajime!"

"Huh?" His eyes open and he jumps a little when he sees me. "Oh shit! Wait. Oh yeah. We were sleeping together. Sorry. Uh..." He shakes his head a little and sits up, still holding onto my waist. "What time is it...? Oh wow, that's early."

"Sorry," I say, nervously fiddling with my hair. "It's just...it takes me so long to do things, so I have to get up earlier."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Well, we should get ready to go to the hole of suffering that is school." I nod, and he hops out of bed. I try to follow, but I struggle a little. First I have to do the blinking thing and then make sure the way I place my feet on the floor feels right. I can see Hajime watching me from the corner of his eye, but he's pretending he's not paying attention.

He picks up his uniform (I gave him some clothes to sleep in) and starts to get dressed. I try not to watch him, even though he's very pretty, and focus on getting myself dressed. Because that's also difficult for me.

By the time Hajime's done, I'm still fiddling with my tie. It's just not working today and considering the fact that I have to hold my breath while doing it doesn't make it easier. Hajime sees me struggling and walks over to me. "Here, let me do that for you."

He takes the tie in his hand and I let go, blushing furiously. "First of all, this would be easier if you did your top button up," He hummed, proceeding to do up said top button. Then, hands moving quickly and efficiently, he ties my tie. I look down at it, it's neater than I could ever do. "There we go," He says with a warm smile. I forgot what it was like to have someone looking after me.

We head downstairs and make some toast for breakfast. "Hey Nagito," Hajime says after finishing his toast. "Do you brush your hair or anything before school?"

"Um..." I don't really know what to say. No, I don't. Should I just say that? Is that too blunt? "No. I don't. Usually, I mean. Not really..." I don't know what just came out of my mouth and I mentally kick myself for being so stupid. "Do you think we should do that, then?" He says calmly.

I fiddle with my fingers nervously. I know Hajime knows, but talking about it is still difficult. It still feels weird. "I...um...I...well, you see...I...I can't..." I start speaking before I've gathered my thoughts and it shows. Why am I being such an idiot this morning? "I-I can't touch a hairbrush." He looks at me in confusion for a few seconds and then remembers. "Oh. Okay, uh...what about a comb?"

"Hmm..." I hum. I've never had a specific warning against combs, but they are pretty similar to hairbrushes. Is that cheating? I wait for a few seconds and hear no objection from the voice, so I nod. "Yeah, I think that'd be fine. I don't think I've touched my hair in forever, though. I don't know how effective this would be."

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