part two

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After your breakfast you went back to your room and sat at your desk. It was only 10 o'clock so you had a bit of time before work began. Putting on your headphones, you turned on your computer and the lit screen shone against your face. You decided to do some editing because everyone was busy and you had work in roughly an hour.   Opening up your editing software, you got to work on a video. It was a simple gaming video on a horror game you'd been playing recently. You cringed at your screeches at jump scares. "What a pussy." You giggled to yourself and continued on.

*Time Skip*

An hour later and you had gotten over half way finished the editing. It made you kind of upset you couldn't finish in one session but you had to work. Getting up and turning off the computer you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You expected to see a notification from Cooper but were pleasantly surprised to see Schlatt had tweeted at you again.

@Jschlatt: @y/username what's your instagram?

You smirked and stifled a laugh as you got into your car. Quickly you replied giving him your instagram before shutting your phone off and putting it in the cup holder so you could drive. A while afterwards you arrived at the small restaurant you worked at. It was a nice place but very hushed and toned down which you liked and disliked. It helped it was quiet because it made less work for you but it also made less tips for you.

You locked your car as you stepped out, quickly walking into the surprisingly busy restaurant. Hurrying inside you put on your apron and grabbed a notepad and pen, almost getting run into by one of the newer waitresses. "Oh my! I'm so sorry, it's so busy out there i've been rushing back and forth for so long." You shook your head and smiled, "No problem at all." She smiled and went off into the kitchen while you walked out and were told which tables you had tonight. You quickly walked over to a table and began taking their orders.

After about two hours of being there, the restaurant finally calming down, you were able to calm down a bit. You were counting out your tips before you were told one of your tables had been sat in. Quickly you put the money back in your apron and walked out to the table, smiling. Your smile eventually faded when you saw who was sitting at the table. "Cooper. What a nice surprise. What can I get you guys?" They all said what they wanted to drink and you wrote it down. You recognized a few faces. You knew Ted and Carson. Travis liked to hang around your and Cooper so you knew him well. Noah and you had met but you weren't close. The others you weren't super familiar with.

You came back after a bit with their drinks and wrote down what they wanted to eat. As you left you heard Carson make a sarcastic comment about your uniform and you snickered for a minute before looking down at it. Jesus.

After the food was ready you quickly brought it out to them and tried to leave but Cooper pulled you down to sit. "I'm working cooper!" He looked around to see most tables empty or already eating. "You pretty busy to me." He stated sarcastically. You rolled your eyes and decided to just sit and take a break. "So y/n," Ted began to speak. Oh no. No no no. Never start a sentence with that. Not good. "I've noticed our nice friend Schlatt has been tweeting at you." You blushed and let out a sigh. Nosy fucker. "Yeah, I guess he has." Cooper nudged your side and wiggles his eyebrows. "I don't even know the guy cooper." He chuckled and smiled cheekily before going back to talking.

*Time Skip*

You cleaned up their table after saying your goodbyes and sighed in relief as they were your last table of the night. You went to the back and gave the dishes to the washer before hanging up your apron and taking your tips. Another waitress confirmed you could go and that they would lock up. "Very appreciated" You smiled and walked out to your car, checking your phone.

Jschlatt has followed you.

Jschlatt liked your post.

@Jschlatt: @y/username checked out your instagram. your hot.

You blushed and stared at it. Not thinking to much of it you gave him a simple reply.

@y/username: wow @jschlatt i'd say the same about you.

Smiling you put your phone away and drove home. On the way your phone rang and you connected it to your car so you could talk and drive.

"Hey coop!" You smiled and could tell he was smiling.

"Hey y/n.. so I seen your tweet at schlatt." He chuckled and you could just feel his eyebrows wiggling. "Do you think my good friend Jschlatt is..cute by chance?" He chuckled louder and you blushed at the question.

"I don't know. He's attractive but I'm pretty sure he was joking." Cooper scoffed.

"Someone joke about YOU being HOT. No way." You smirked and rolled your eyes.

"Okay cooper." You guys continued to make small talk until you got back to your house and started to say goodbye.

"Would you ever want to meet schlatt by the way?" You thought for a moment and thought about how funny he really was and how he'd probably be great to hang with.

"Yeah of course, why?"

"Cause he's coming into the city in a couple days and he needs a place to stay bye!"

What the fuck!

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