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"Evelyn, did you change your hair or something?" Gabriella said as soon as Evelyn came back with their two coffees.

"No, why?"

"I don't know. There's just something different about you today," she acknowledged with a slow nod.

"Maybe you're sensing my relief. This week has been harder than normal with the annual investors gala coming up and it's finally the end of the week."

"That must be it," she said taking a sip of her coffee before her focus went back to the computer. Evelyn on the other hand couldn't focus. While she hadn't lied about the relief of the end of the week and Allisons torture, her real excitement was for her meeting at noon. It was already 11am.

"Evelyn!" Allison's enraged scream came from behind her closed office door, as loud as if she had been standing in the room. Gabriella's eyes widened as she shot a look of sympathy to Evelyn.

"You think she wants you to work overtime again? That would be every day this week."

"No that can't be it. I got approval to take a half-day."

"Allison let you take a half-day?" Gabriella asked, her shock evident all over her face.

"Of course not, I didn't ask her," Evelyn took a sip of her coffee before standing up and dusting off her skirt. "I asked the boss."

Frank Carter, the CEO and founder of Carter Enterprises was nothing like the woman he made a temporary supervisor. While firm with his employees, he also believed in a good work-life balance.

"Now I know what's different about you, you never used to have a death wish. Allison is not going to like that."

"Too bad for Allison," Evelyn responded, surprising herself and Gabriella threw her hands up in defeat. "I'll be back."

"Maybe," she heard Gabriella mutter under her breath. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself of the last three rules of The Novel Society before going into Allison's office. The room overall was dark as the blinds were only slightly open and a small lamp perched on the desk. Allison sat behind the desk, her arms folded and placed onto in a disapproving manner. Her platinum blond hair pulled into a tight bun.

"Evelyn, please take a seat but leave the door open." Evelyn complied with her request knowing this was nothing new. In the few months that she had been a temporary replacement supervisor, she developed a love for belittling employees in her office with the door wide open so everyone could hear about their negligence. The idea was to humiliate them into submission and most times, it worked. But that was pre-society.

"What is this I hear about you requesting a half-day?"

"Yes, I have another obligation that couldn't be rescheduled."

"During work hours?"

"I tried to reschedule but it was not feasible," Evelyn explained quickly as she felt herself slip back into the wallflower Evelyn.

"I see. Well unfortunately I will have to decline your request. There is just too much to get done before the gala and we need all hands on deck." Allison gave her usual sickly sweet smile before waving her off, letting her know in no uncertain terms that the conversation was over.

Standing up, Evelyn headed to the door but before she could walk through the door frame, she forced herself to stop and look over her shoulder. Never compromise. Do whatever it takes to get what you want in life.

"With all due respect Allison, I've been approved by our boss which means I don't need your approval. And as for the gala, I personally oversaw all the details to make sure that we were ready to go for next week. There is nothing left for me to do on that project except show up. I'll see you Monday."

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