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Last Chapter! Read the author's note at the end as it is super important!

The view was breathtaking. The sun coming up into the sky as the morning rays hit the Toronto skyline, highlighted the CN Tower in the distance. As the dark night sky faded away, the orange-yellow hues melted into each other and Evelyn couldn't seem to drag her gaze from it. She took in the blanket of snow that covered the city, smiling as it reminded her of the scenes you would see in a snowglobe and thought about her life. A few months ago, she was unhappy. In a job she hated, an apartment she despised and as lonely as lonely could be. And now? She was living out dreams she didn't even realize she had. Her career was fantastic. She had made lifelong friends. And her man... Well, that was just the icing on top of a delicious chocolate cake.

"Happy birthday baby." Dominic's arms wrapped around her waist as he came up from behind her, placing a kiss on her bare shoulder. Evelyn relaxed in his embrace, a deep calm overtaking her as she looked up at him. Life was good. 

"Thank you, babe."

"Come on, I got a surprise for you," he said with a grin on his face and she raised an eyebrow curiously.

"What do you have planned?" He tilted his head down, his lips capturing hers only for a moment before he pulled back.

"Wouldn't you like to know? Now close your eyes." Evelyn shut her eyes and followed cautiously as Dominic lead the way. Her plan was to try and use her five senses to figure out where he was taking her but his light touches were making it hard to concentrate. She would be focused then he would move his hand to her bare waist or whisper sweet nothings into her ear. She didn't have a chance.  So when he finally told her to stop and open her eyes, her shock was genuine.

They stood in her master bathroom and the lights were shut off. Candles illuminated the room and rose petals were sprinkled on the floor, counters and on top of the bubble bath Dominic had run for her. A bottle of Brunello, the drink she had enjoyed so much at the poetry event, sat in a bucket of ice beside two gold flutes and a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries. Alicia Keys and Usher sang softly in the background, their song my boo playing from the speaker.

It was perfect.

"Dominic, this is amazing. When did you have the time--"

"Do you like it?" He asked cutting her off and she smiled.

"I love it."

"Then it was worth it. Now let me help you out of these," he muttered against her ear as he slid her bra strap down. A soft kiss landed on her shoulder blade as he moved from one shoulder to the other, while his hands worked on her bra clip. The bra snapped apart and her breast tumbled free as he dropped it to the ground to be later forgotten. His hands caressed her bare skin from her arms going to massage her exposed breasts. Evelyn's head flew back as she leaned against his chest, giving him more access to her body. His touches continued agonizingly slow as he followed the curvature of her body, stopping when the fabric of her thong reached his fingertips. He grasped the lace in his hands and Evelyn's breath jerked as he lowered himself down so he was kneeling behind her.


"Shhh. Just enjoy it, baby," he told her as he placed a soft kiss on her hip. And then the other. He lowered the thong down her thighs slower than molasses as he kissed each thigh, following the path the thong left as it went lower and lower down her body before finally falling to a pool between her legs. His hands trailed her frame as he stood back up and offered her his hand. Taking his hand into hers, she stepped into the warm bubble bath and sunk in, moaning at how good the water felt against her body. Dominic grabbed the bottle of champagne and popped it open before pouring her a glass. "I propose a toast."

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