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BEFORE YOU READ: I am really curious if you have read any of my books, what is your favourite story? Mine is an unexpected surprise and Something Different. Let me know please and enjoy!

The smooth voice of Kirby's 'We don't funk' blasted in Evelyn's headphones as her feet hit the pavement in a controlled rhythm. The cool fresh air was a welcome wake-up call as she sprinted through the park, taking notice of the scenery around her. Tall gorgeous trees went on for miles and the place was secluded, only her, Anita and an older man running the trail and that was just how she liked it. She and Anita had crashed at her new apartment after spending hours trying to decide on interior design ideas so when Anita suggested they go for a run the next morning to check out her new neighbourhood, she was excited. And there was a lot to see. 

By the time they had finished their third lap, Anita dropped dramatically on the grass, refusing to do anymore.

"Damn girl, are you trying to kill me?" Anita asked and Evelyn laughed as she reached out her hand to help her up.

"It was your idea to go for a walk."

"Exactly walk. I never ever said run a marathon," she grumbled as she dusted off her behind. "I need some water, you want something?" She asked pointing to the man with the snack cart. 

"I'm good."

"Your loss," she said shrugging before she headed over to the cart. Shaking her head at Anita's antics, she pushed her arms over her head, stretching out her sore muscles. Anita had been right, working out was no joke.

"I'm starting to think you're following me," a voice called from behind her and she snapped her head in the direction, a smile breaking across it. As Dominic made his way over to her, she could feel her heart beating faster and she wished she could blame it on their exercises but it was just him. And he looked good. So far she had only seen him dressed up so to see him laid back ina tight-fitting track jacket and a pair of sweatpants, grey at that, she tried her hardest not to stare. How was it possible for him to look so good even this early in the morning? 

"Hey Domonic, what are you doing here?" She asked as he pulled her in for a hug and she had to stop herself from running her hand over his body to feel his muscles.

"I should ask you that. I run here every morning, it's near my gym. What are you doing here?" He asked as he pulled back and Evelyn nodded.

"It's near my condo. I thought I would come out and get a morning work out."

"If you needed that you could've just called me," he said and when Evelyn raised an eyebrow, he threw his hands up in defence, chuckling. "Not like that. I did a minor in personal training in college."

"Oh okay."

"But I mean, if you were interested in that way too, I am always available," he said biting his lip and Evelyn fought the urge to smile.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Do you want to join me for a run?" He offered and Evelyn looked over her shoulder to see Anita stuffing her face with chocolate at the snack stand. 

"Yeah sure but let's make it a walk. I am exhausted." Dominic nodded agreeing and the two of them fell into a comfortable silence as they walked the path. The sound of nature's creatures was the soundtrack they paced to as Evelyn really took in the city. The sun had just begun to rise into the sky, illuminating a soft orange hue that made Evelyn smile.

"This is so beautiful," she said finally.

"I couldn't agree more," Dominic said and when she pulled her gaze from the sunset over to him, she realized his eyes were on her. "I had a really great time with you the other night."

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