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"What do you mean you are not going to the gala?" Anita asked incredulously and Evelyn shrugged. Anita had requested they meet at a store called Shades of Ebony, a high-end luxury clothing store and after trying on an exuberant amount of clothing, Evelyn had thought she was finally done until Anita asked about the gala.

"I don't work there anymore Anita and it's a company event," she reminded her. Not that they hadn't tried. She had a filled voicemail of Gabriella, Terrance, and even Allison which let her know hell had officially frozen over. But with all the voicemails, she deleted them, not bothering to call any of them back except Gabriella who she talked to on a daily basis.

"So what? You organized it and those are your clients. You're the one who reached out to them, you're the one who came up with the idea of the gala and you're the one they are expecting to meet. Are you just going to roll over and allow Allison to get credit for your hard work?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips and Evelyn shook her head. "Exactly."

"So I guess I need a dress for the gala and a mask."

"Let's focus on the dress," Anita said with a smile and Evelyn frowned.

"Do you know something I don't?"

"Don't I always? Now come on, I had a feeling you would see things my way and I had a few dresses picked out." Anita grabbed her hand and pulled Evelyn into the backroom before flipping the light switch, letting the light in. The once dark room, illuminated to showcase the rows and rows of ball gown dresses and Evelyn's mouth dropped. A few?

The spent at least a half-hour, going through the dresses on display and picking out the ones they thought would compliment Evelyn and after spending a week and a half learning from Anita on the best way to shop for herself, Evelyn was confident with her choices as she hung them on the rack in front of the changeroom. Anita followed behind her with a pile of clothing, twice the size of Evelyn's pile and hung it up on the rack as well. The next hour was spent in and out of changerooms putting on dresses from well-known designers and some she couldn't even pronounce but none had the wow factor they were both looking for.

"Okay, I am exhausted. Why don't we just go with the silver dress," she said motioning to the gorgeous bodycon dress she was currently wearing with the deep v neck and slit that ran up to her mid-thigh.

"No, not that. We need something that has people stopping and staring. Something eye-catching," Anita muttered as she sat and thought about what the perfect dress would be. Evelyn's eye caught a dress behind Anita and her eyes widened.

"What about that one?" Anita's gaze followed Evelyn's pointed finger and she squealed in delight before snatching it up as if someone else would take it had she not gotten it.

"Try it on." Evelyn grabbed the hanger the dress hung on and headed back into the changeroom. Slipping out of the silver dress, she stepped inside the ball gown dress and immediately knew it was the one. Evelyn looked at the mirror inside the changeroom and couldn't believe the person staring back at her was herself. The dress was a gorgeous satin red fabric with a heart-shaped top. It was tight-fitting against her chest and waist before extending out into a lovely ball gown with two layers; the top satin and the bottom sheer silk that showcased her legs thanks to the split that ran from mid-thigh to the bottom of the full-length gown.

Taking a deep breath, Evelyn opened the change room door and before Anita could relate her excitement, Evelyn spoke first. "This is the dress."

"Oh. Hell. Yes! Damn Evelyn, you look amazing!" Unable to deny herself, Evelyn twirled in the dress, feeling like a goddess. "Now all it needs is the perfect accessories and a pair of heels."

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