The Novel Society

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The Novel Society.

An exclusive club that helps the women in society conquer life and become their truest selves. This club is not open to the public and you will only be accepted by invite only.

So consider yourself grateful as you have been invited to become a member.

If you choose to accept this membership,

Your life will never be the same.

Welcome to The Novel society.


The Novel Society Rules

1. Do NOT under any circumstance tell anyone who is not a member about the existence of The Novel Society. Do not hint at it, mention or suggest the possibility of this exclusive group. Any form of announcement to the outside world will have you removed.

2. Be Honest with yourself and your life coach about what you want in life.

3. Put yourself first.

4. Never Compromise. You will only accept number one.

5. Do whatever it takes to get what you really want in life.
6. Make Dominic Carter Yours (Okay maybe she wrote that one in.)


Meet The Main Characters

Evelyn Mitchell

Evelyn Mitchell

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Dominic Carter

Dominic Carter

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