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Before the chapter starts, I really want to thank everyone for their votes and comments. It has been awhile since I was on wattpad so to have your support has been overwhelming and means the world. Anyways, this is one of my favourite chapters and it's long as hell so please enjoy, vote, comment and let me know what you think about The Novel Society!
Today was going to be a great day.

That was the first thought on Evelyn's mind as she woke up the next morning. By the time the warm sun rays had peaked in through her curtains to illuminate her bedroom, Evelyn was already up and ready to go.

Evelyn, who was usually a late sleeper, had awoken the next morning before her first of many alarms and proceeded to make her way to the bathroom to complete her morning routine. She stopped in front of the mirror, admiring the hair that had once been troublesome but was now a work of art.

Her once dark brown curls now had blond highlights that brought out her darker chocolate eyes. And the typical bun she always wore, was now a thing of the past. Instead, it was cascading down her back in a wet and wavy style. Although the changes weren't too much, it was enough.

After a nice warm shower, Evelyn stepped out of the bathroom in her fuzzy towel and laid out the outfit. It was nearly identical to the outfit Anita had worn the day before as Evelyn had expressed how much she loved the look. She slipped into the black midi skirt and admired how well fit the clothes were in comparison to the ones she usually wore to work. Next was the leopard v-neck cami that felt like silk against her smooth skin. A black belt with a black on the go tote bag (courtesy of the society) nearly completed her look. She looked down at the shoes she had only dreamed of owning, the same look on her face as when Anita had first showed it to her. Red bottoms.

"Damn I look good," she muttered to herself, as she did a spin in the mirror. As she spun for the umpteenth time, she glanced at her watch and realized if she didn't leave soon she would be late. Taking a deep breath, she recited the society's five rules to calm her nerves before grabbing her car keys and purse and heading out the door.


"Who are you and what have you done with Evelyn?" Gabriella asked after she had managed to pick her mouth off the ground. Self consciously, Evelyn dusted off the non-existent fuzz on her skirt and smoothed out her free curls.

"It doesn't look good."

"It looks amazing! What did you do, win the lottery?" She asked and Evelyn laughed before someone behind her cleared their breath. Turning to face them, Evelyn's laughter caught in her throat as she faced the one and only Terrance Clayton. The man of her dreams.

"Evelyn right?" He asked, his lips curling into one of his sexy grins that she had only prayed one day would be directed at her. Am I dreaming, Evelyn asked herself but that thought was short-lived when Gabriella nudged her, reminding her she had yet to say anything.

"Oh yeah, that's me. Evelyn Mitchell," she said finally, extending her hand and when his hands finally touched after years of pining from afar, she had expected fireworks. Nothing. Hell at that point she would've taken a crackle or spark. Her eyes fell to his gorgeous hazel pair and she shrugged. Who needs fireworks with someone this damn fine?

"Nice to finally meet you. I'm Terrance Clayton, is this your first day?"


Considering they had worked in the same department, in the same room for over two years, Evelyn tried not to allow her comment to hurt too much. The point was he noticed now.

"No but I guess we always seemed to miss each other," she replied vaguely, finally removing her hand from his. His gaze did a once over of her body before he replied.

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