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Evelyn stared at the phone in her hand wondering if she had lost her mind.

She had been scrolling through her phone, looking for apps to delete when she saw the familiar logo of The Novel Society. Although she was alone, she peeked over her shoulder to make sure there wasn't anyone watching before she clicked on the app. Her excitement grew when she realized that while she couldn't access any of the passcodes locked sections that required her society member book, there was one thing she could still use; the emergency button.

I shouldn't do it, Evelyn thought to herself as she put down the phone. Anita had warned her that the button was only for a life or death situation and that misuse of the button could have her kicked out of the novel society. Then again, she was already kicked out of The Novel Society. How much more kicked out of a secret group could she get, she wondered.

Throwing caution to the wind, she pressed the button and her screen loaded before it sent a confirmation message; Help is on the way.

At first Evelyn started to freak out. What if pressing the button sent emergency services to her home and she had to explain to the police she hadn't actually needed any help but was hoping to see her friend. That would go over well.

But when an hour had passed and there were no signs of police or ambulance presence, Evelyn finally relaxed. But the sound of anxious rapping at her door had Evelyn on alert.

"Evelyn! Are you okay in there!" Anita's worried voice called from the other side of the door. Quickly rushing to the front door, Evelyn swung it open and jumped back when she saw the gun in Anita's hand.

"What the hell are you doing with that?"

"You pressed the emergency button. I thought you were hurt," Anita said slowly as she lowered her weapon and pushed it into her purse. "Clearly you're fine."

"Does heartbreak and hurting a really close friend count?" Evelyn asked and Anita stared at her blandly. "I guess not. Will you at least come in?"

"Fine. But only so I can use your phone to call off SWAT."

"You called the SWAT team!"

"No. But at least you know how it feels to have your blood pressure raised for no reason," Anita muttered and Evelyn couldn't help her smile. She missed their banter.

"I owe you an apology. The last time we spoke I was having a rough day but that doesn't excuse the way I treated you."

"You got that right," Anita interrupted as she plopped down on the couch and Evelyn continued.

"The society has taught me a lot but with or without the society, I don't want to lose the most important thing I gained from it."

"Your apartment?"

"You," Evelyn corrected and she watched Anita try her hardest not to smile.

"You realize I can't get you back in the society right?"

"I know."

"Then I accept your apology," Anita said finally as she pats the seat beside her. "Now what's this about heartbreak? Is there trouble in paradise?" Evelyn took a seat beside Anita on the couch and proceeded to fill her in on what she had missed. To her credit, Anita listened attentively and only spoke once Evelyn had completely finished. "That's a lot."


"Well, I can't help you as a society member-"

"I know and I didn't tell you that so you would feel bad for me. I just needed to vent to a friend."

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