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The art above is what was described. Enjoy

Evelyn's eyes were locked on the painting in front of her. The art depicted a black couple, the man in a suit and the woman in a gorgeous grey dress but it wasn't their clothing that caught her attention. Somehow the artist had managed to capture the loving gaze a woman gave a man without even showing the details of their face. Their complexion was a cocoa brown but their face was clear of any other art leaving just the shape of their face as it pressed against the other. And yet, she could feel their love radiating off the painting.

The woman in the painting had curly hair, much like Evelyn's own and the man had a sharp line up but was buttoned up in a suit, much like Dominic. Speaking of the devil, she felt him even before he touched her. But when his muscular arms slid around her waist as he brought her close to him, she relaxed in the comfort of his arms.

"You like this one?" Dominic asked and Evelyn nodded.

"I love it. It reminds me of us."

"I thought the same thing when I saw it," Dominic admitted before they moved onto the next painting. They were at the newly built National African American Art Exhibit. It featured art from some of the world's best talents and some from the new artists who had taken the world by storm with their artwork. Evelyn had been pleasantly surprised when Dominic picked her up and brought her to dinner before stopping here as their final destination. She hadn't taken him for the art type but she was enjoying peeling back more layers to this amazing man.

They continued to walk around the art gallery but Evelyn's eye kept drawing back to the couple without the face.

"You ready to go?" Dominic asked and Evelyn nodded. "Me too. I just have to do one thing."

Dominic leads Evelyn to the front door where the curator stood taking orders and he relayed off a number to her. Evelyn looked up at him, confused at what piece of artwork had caught his attention as he hadn't seemed interested in much and she surely hadn't seen him write down any number.

"That is a fabulous choice. Would you like to take it home with you tonight or would you prefer to have it delivered?"

"I'll take it now."

"Great, I'll have the guys at the back wrap it for you," the woman said with a smile before hurrying in the other direction.

"Which painting did you get?" Evelyn asked and Dominic turned her around so she could face the view of the paintings on the wall. Evelyn's eye drifted to the couple who she could've sworn were her and Dominic in art from and her soared when she watched the workers take the painting down and head to the back room.

"You bought it?" She asked excitedly and she turned to face him and he nodded, his hand moving from her waist to touch her cheek lightly. "Why?"

"To see that look on your face," he said and she rolled her eyes. "I bought it because you seemed so drawn to it."

"I don't think that's it, Dominic," she teased leaning into it. "Do you want to know what I think?"


"I think you like having me around and you just want a reminder in your house of us," she joked but she couldn't have been closer to the truth.

"I think your right." Dominic looked up and noticed they had come back with his painting and he excused himself so he could go fill out the paperwork. He kissed her gently before following the woman, and Evelyn would have swooned if her phone hadn't chosen that exact moment to ring. She slid her cell out of her clutch and smiled when she saw Anita's name pop up on the screen.

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