Turtle's return #2

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Everyone reappears in the underworld

Porpoise: We back :D

Winter: aw man I was thinking we didn't have to go back here

Qibli: why can't you just use your magic animus powers to kill the underlord? Then we wouldn't have to kill him ourself

Porpoise: cuz for some reason your animus powers are disabled when ever you enter the underworld. And also, that would be too boring for the readers.

Winter: how do we know you aren't  lying

Porpoise: look , "I enchant this fern to transform into a tree"

Fern: nope

Porpoise: see

Beantato: did the fern just talk?

JW: wut

Fern: YEET *yeets seeds at winter*

Winter: owowowoowowowowowow

Everyone: O_O

Carnelian: EAT THE FLAMETHROWER *burns the fern into crisps*

Fern: oof

Porpoise: well... that was interesting

Moon: *pointing to a gigantic castle door* look! That must be the entrance to the underlord's palace. How do we get in?

Turtle: actually, I forgot to tell you this but it is impossible to get inside his palace. And he only comes outside his palace once every 1000 years to collect mushrooms.

Beantato: haha. We are dragons remember, we can fly. Let's just fly over the wall so we don't have to waste our time.

Turtle: actually, the top of the wall is a million light years away from the ground. 

Beantato: ...

Winter: wait, if he can go out of his palace to collect umm... mushrooms and then go back inside his palace then there must be a way to get inside

Turtle: it is possible to get inside, but the chances of that happening are so low that it might as well be impossible. *points at a key pad right beside the door* you have to enter in the right code on the key pad to get inside. But there are 1025457995433677456786431299004346788899542388975422378094311566894422678899321456788 Combinations that you can type in. So it will take 1099776789082782929872782900027729929927727 Years  For you guys to get the code right.

Everyone: o-O

Umber: my brain hurts

The entrance to the palace suddenly opens


Moon: *standing besides the keypad* wait, was it supposed to be that easy?

Winter: um... no

Qibli: *hugs moon* great job moon! You know you and I would make a great team cuz of our smart brains *wink*

Winter: *glares at qibli*

Kinkajou: *riding a Jaguar* LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

*everyone rushes inside the palace*

In the throne room...

Detective Pickachu: sir, someone has managed to get inside the palace.

Underlord: good thing we captured this little creature heheh

Beantato: Hey! Where are my friends

Underlord: that's what you going to tell us.

Detective Pickachu: if you don't tell use you will have to feel the wrath of the STAPLER!!!!!! 

Beantato: NUUUUU a I don't wanna die to a stapler. Ok, they are left of the throne room inside the dining room.

Underlord: hahahah pikachu, go get them.

Detective pikachu: yes sir

In the dining room...

Porpoise: hey, I just noticed does anyone know where beantato is?

Moon: I haven't seen her since we entered this room.

Turtle: do you think she has been captured?

Moon: hopefully not

Winter: hey guys, I hear someone coming.

Detective pikachu: *jumps out from the corner* EAT DE STAPLER!!!!!!

Moon: what's a stapler

Carnelian: NO YOU EAT THE FLAMETHROWER *burns pikachu into crisps*

Kinkajou: at least we still have this... clanky thing *holds up a stapler*

Porpoise: anyway, turtle, where is the throne room

Turtle: *holding a GPS* it should be down that hallway

*everybody silently walks down the hallway*

Underlord: *knitting a sweater*

Qibli: aha! We got you now underlord

Qibli: *stabs underlord with his sword*

Winter: *frost breaths underlord's face*

Porpoise: *whacks underlord with nunchucks*

Moon: *shoots him with a arrow*

Peril: *burns him to death*

Carnelian: EAT DE FLAMETHROWER *burns him even more*

Jaguar: *bites underlord's head off* delish

Turtle: *standing in a corner* ew

Beantato: you guys are here! *hugs everyone*

Porpoise: alright, let's head back to the whitehouse *snaps fingers*

This is the end of the Turtle's return series hope you enjoyed it

A/N make sure to submit your truths, dares, and OCs. Thank you

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