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Hey FanfictionFr3aks,

Im sorry this isn't an update, in fact i hate writing these, but i feel as though y'all deserve an explanation as to why if been ghost.

Around the time i went ghost was when life got serious, my father was diagnosed with Leukemia and after a few months was bed ridden. For the better half of 2019-2020 i dedicated my life and energy to him and ensuring that my mother was taken care of. She retired early to be his caregiver, i took over the bills and helping her take care of him, this took its toll on me and honestly made me too exhausted to even think about writing anything.

On De 8th 2020 my father turned 90, on Dec 11th 2020 he passed away. Im still struggling and depression has settled in, and my writers block is still present however my love for writing is still very strong.

I say this to say that i will probably move to writing one shots to try and jog my creativity, and because why the fuck not? Any female celebs you wanna see in an Imagine just let me know. I make no promises for my current stories, i wrote those when my father was still here and was in a different head space. I may pick them up, i may not, but i won't delete them.

Like i said life kicked me in the balls and pinched my nipples with cold pliers. Im sorry i left y'all hanging, but shout out those that still fuck with me.

Much Love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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