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'Niggas fighting over rings
Niggas wanna be the King, but
Long Live the Chief
For a lil ol' thang lil boys bang bang
Long Live the Chief
Niggas fighting over rings
Niggas wanna be the king, but
Long Live the Chief
Yeah watch pretty mama while I slang my cane
Long Live the Chief
I Uh'

When I was younger, I used to dream about owning my own club. If you told me that it would never happen, I'd punch you in the throat and claw your eyes out with a fork.

The dream of owning my own club is what fueled me, kept me alive. It was an obsession of mines, and I was willing to do anything and everything to get it, even if it meant taking over a biker gang just to get enough money to open one. Even kill.

Now that I have it, I'd do anything to keep it. It's my baby. Just like Demi.

I finally have her and I'd do anything to keep her, even kill. And honestly, it's looking like it.


I look over my shoulder to see Cheeto walking towards me with two others, T.I and Eminem.

"You really came up in the world man." T.I says with a sly grin as he cones to stand on my right, while Eminem stands on my left.

"And I'm just getting started." I say, turning back to look down upon the hundreds possibly a thousand party goers dance around my club, cheering as Jidenna spits fire on the stage.

"What you tryna do?" T.I asks. "Own the world?"

"Heh, just might try." I say with a grin. I turn away from the balcony railing and lead them to my secluded VIP area.

"We checked on that rumor," Eminem begins as we sit down, one of my female workers, Lace, fixes us our drinks and bring it to us on a tray

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"We checked on that rumor," Eminem begins as we sit down, one of my female workers, Lace, fixes us our drinks and bring it to us on a tray. "Turns out to be just a rumor, a lie actually."

"Mmm," im hum in understanding as i accept my drink from Lace, watching as she passes the other two drinks out before stepping back to the small bar area.

"Yeah apparently, they were trying to get some new soldiers up." T.I picks up where Slim left off. "Make a Roman 2.0 kinda shit,  but once the prospects learned that they were gonna have to go to war with you, AKA The Sovereign, the dipped out."

I couldn't help but chuckle, no one wants to go against me or The Sovereign; we have a bit of reputation for no mercy. When at war, anything goes. Any one can be killed even if they don't wear the flag.

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