Make You Mine

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Hey guys, I'm back! Appreciate the votes that I got means a lot. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, any ideas hit me up!

Viewer discretion is advised

Demi's Pov

"So Demetria, where you from?" Lee asked me as she moved around the kitchen. I was setting the table, trying my hardest to control my nerves but I quickly found that it's so fucking difficult around this interesting creature.

"Albuquerque," I answer with a small smile.

"New mexico." She says rather than asks. "Do you know how to speak Spanish"

"Absolutamente, mis padres se aseguraron de eso." I say fluently. I watch as Lee's features darken and she lightly licks her lips.

"Damn that's sexy." Her voice is husky, her new York accent is heard and sends shivers down my spine.

I blush and look back down at the silverware I'm laying out.

"Glad you think so, most people are annoyed by it." I tell her.

"Well they're assholes and should go suck horse's dick." She says nonchalantly with an arched eyebrow. I giggle and shake my head at her remark.

"What about you, Harley?" I ask after a moment of silence. She looks up at me and smirks.

"What about me?"

"Where you from? I hear your New York accent but... You seem like you've spent most of your time in Detroit." She looks at me surprised, we lock eyes for a moment before she breaks the thick silence.

"Not many people pick up on that." She says lowly.

"I not most people." I say with a rush of pride swirling around in me.

"That's for damn sure." She chuckles while turning back to the stove.

"You didn't answer my question." I realize. I begin to wonder if I should have just dropped it, Lena did say not to ask about her past. Is this classified as asking about it?

I stare at her back, watching as she stands there in silence while cooking the salmon. I lowly sigh and go back to putting out the cutlery.

"I was born in Detroit." She finally answers, making me jump slightly. "Lived there for a while and then came to New York. The accent is a mixture of the two, but since I've been in New York longer, it shows more."

At first I didn't know how to respond, just a minute ago I thought that I had offended her or something.

"I've only been to Detroit once," I tell her

"How'd you like it?"

"Well unfortunately it was only for work so I didn't get to enjoy it much."

"Oh man," she looks over her shoulder at me. "We have got to go up there, I'll show you all of the wild attractions and the best place to get a good burger."

My stomach growls at the mention of a burger. I guess Lee heard it because she let's out a hearty laugh that makes me blush and laugh along with her.

'I love that laugh' I think to myself.

"Do not worry my dear, dinner is just about ready." Lee says with a chuckle. "Actually, can you come here and take this?"

I move over to Lee, smelling the faint scent of her delicious smelling cologne. She extends a wooden spoon to my lips, her other hand underneath the spoon.

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