(Short) Chapter 4: Shizuka and The Unknown Spirit

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She opened her eyes and sees a white glowing spirit floating right in front of her. The spirit resembles a middle school boy, the same uniform as the boy one, but his name tag was all scratched and it is unreadable. His hair is smooth like a fluffy blanket and his voice is soft like an angel.

????: What are you doing here?

Shizuka Minamoto: Umm.... are you.. the spirit that everyone is talking about?

He tries to scare Shizuka with his horrific voice, but she stood still wasn't even scared at all. She sighed and told the spirit that she learned it from Nobita when she was a child. The spirit was absolutely shocked to see her so bravely that he can finally talk to someone who might trust him.

????: I can't believe it. It's been years that I can finally someone who can talk to. Everyone is so scared at me when they see me in my ghost form.

Shizuka Minamoto: But why? Why are you wondering around here in the forest in the first place?

????: I was sent by "someone" to find my own identity. Who am I?

Shizuka Minamoto: You're a ghost.

????: Oh, I see... I guess I have a long way to go.  Anyway, what's your name?

Shizuka said her name from the spirit, but the spirit doesn't have a name.

????: I'm on a quest to find my own name, but I can't remember when I was alive actually.

Shizuka Minamoto: Hmm... since ghost are white or maybe transparent, maybe I'll call you, "Shiroi"

Shiroi: Shiroi? I like that, for now.

Shizuka Minamoto: Oh, I'm only here just to do some research in the forest that was actually assigned by my teacher. That was an upcoming project for my History Class

Shiroi: Oh that's great, hope you did good. I was good at History too.

Shizuka heard her calling from the schoolyard and the ghost heard it too.

Shiroi: Shizuka, we'll meet each other again, okay? I promise

Shizuka Minamoto: And I promise I'll find your name so you can go back home.

Shiroi: Thanks, that means a lot. Same day?

Shizuka Minamoto: Sure, same day.

Shizuka ran off back to the schoolyard as Shiroi disappeared through the mists of the forest. Back at the schoolyard, recess is over and people is already getting ready to go back to class.

Nobita Nobi: Shizuka, I was so worried about you. Are you alright?

Shizuka Minamoto: Yeah, I was gathering information for my upcoming project and I found lots of them

Nobita Nobi: Oh nice, please tell me more.

Shizuka Minamoto: Okay, inside the classroom, but don't tell anyone.

She smiled back at Nobita while his heart started pounding inside his chest and somehow has a deep connection is about to happen. He gulps nervously as they continued walking back inside the classroom.

End of Chapter 4

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