(Short) Chapter 6: Keeping a Secret

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Day by day, Shizuka returns to the forest to meet up with her unknown ghost friend named Shiroi. While walking in the middle of the forest, the ghost is picking up berries in the bush and spotted her.

Shiroi: Oh! Shizuka!

Shizuka Minamoto: Shiroi, it's you again.

Shiroi: What are you doing here anyway?

Shizuka Minamoto: Oh, my teacher told me to explore the forest here and takes some pictures along the way. I also brought my dad's camera.

Shiroi: Oh cool, but don't picture me okay? I'm a ghost.

Shizuka Minamoto: Why not? You look really cute though, to be honest.

Shiroi: Hey, don't say that! I'm already a ghost.

Back at the school, Nobita is walking in the hallways to retrieve his important textbooks for his next class. While grabbing his necessary stuff from his locker, Dekisugi taps Nobita on his shoulder.

Nobita Nobi: Oh Dekisugi, aren't you supposed to be on the other side of the school?

Hidetoshi Dekisugi: I was, but I got exempt pretty quickly after I finished my huge project. So he let me roam around this school for a while.

Nobita Nobi (mind): I kinda expected that to happen. Oh, good for you.

Hidetoshi Dekisugi: Anyway, what are you doing here anyway? Class is not over yet till 5 minutes.

Nobita Nobi: My teacher somehow dismissed me early because I aced the test for Algebra.

Hidetoshi Dekisugi (mind): That was unexpected.

Nobita Nobi: So I decided to give this perfume back to Shizuka after I used it for my Science project. Do you know where Shizuka is?

Hidetoshi Dekisugi: I did bump into her and said that she's going to the forest and take pictures for her Project that was assigned by her teacher.

Nobita Nobi: Oh okay, I'll go look for her.

Hidetoshi Dekisugi: Be careful, there might be a weird superstitious figure living in there.

Nobita Nobi: Umm... okay then.

As Nobita runs quickly to the exit door,  Dekisugi somehow feels off when Shizuka is going to the forest. He mumbled and said that this is the second time going to the forest but it was different. As a result, he rushes to the library and starts investigating.

Shizuka Minamoto: Oh, I see. Your only wish is to sit on top of the large hill and watch the beautiful view while the Cherry Blossom is blooming.

Shiroi: Correct, but it's an everyday thing I do here. Although we just met, can you keep it a secret?

Shizuka Minamoto: What secret?

Shiroi: "That we should watch TOGETHER at the top of the hill, please? I will be so lonely without you"

Shizuka Minamoto: Umm...

End of Chapter 6 

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