Chapter 11: The Sky Blossom Tree View

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Shizuka wanders the forest alone, but this time, someone is following her footsteps vigilantly. As the librarian man follows her, he hides in the tall tree as Shizuka stood by and calls for Shiroi.

Shizuka Minamoto: Shiroi?! Where are you? It's time!

Shiroi appeared in front of her face and dressed up formally. The man behind her starts to listen hearing their conversations. Meanwhile, Dekisugi is at the outside schoolyard near the forest, still trying to figure out who is the missing page. Nobita on the other hand, feels worried about Shizuka.

Nobita Nobi: Shizuka, where are you? I baked you cookies for a snack! Sheesh, where is that girl? Wait a minute, is that? Who is that man going inside the forest?

Suneo Honekawa: Hey, Nobita! What's up-

Gian Gouda: Oyy Suneo, who is that guy entering the forest?

Nobita Nobi: That's what I said a second ago. I mean, what is he trying to do anyway? Huh?

Nobita noticed a weapon held in the man's hand, which scares him. Suneo and Gian were suspicious. Nobita noticed that the man is going to kill someone in the forest, but who could it be?

Nobita Nobi: Wait a minute! Shizuka always wonder in the forest by herself right? Does that mean-

Suneo Honekawa: No way!

Gian Gouda: What are we gonna do now?

Hidetoshi Dekisugi: What's a hold-up, guys? Am I seeing things right now or is that man looking for someone?

Dekisugi gasps as he sees the weapon holding onto the man's hand, much to his shock.

Hidetoshi Dekisugi: This is not good! I saw Shizuka enters the forest alone and he is going to kill her if we don't do something!

Nobita Nobi: Dekisugi, forget the book,  you need to come with us and save Shizuka from that evil man!

Hidetoshi Dekisugi: But the book I'm holding right now is a-

Gian Gouda: There's no time! Come on!

Gian grabbed Dekisugi's hand and the boys rush to the forest as fast as they can, while Dekisugi dropped the book from the ground. However, this whole time, the book is no ordinary book, mysterious spell floats around the book and both the spell and the book started chasing Dekisugi as the spell pushed Dekisugi like he was pushed by someone.

Suneo Honekawa: What the? What was that?

As they were running, Dekisugi explained:

Hidetoshi Dekisugi: That's why I'm trying to tell you guys that the book I'm holding is a "Freedom Spell Book". It allows me to record any type of ghost and it lets the wandering spirit go free in the afterlife.

Nobita Nobi: That's creepy, who gave you that book?

Hidetoshi Dekisugi: It's the Librarian who gave it to me. I thought it was a history book, but this is off the chart.

Nobita Nobi: Don't worry Shizuka, we're coming to save you.

Meanwhile, at Shiroi and Shizuka, they exit the forest and saw a huge hill. They walk to the top of the hill together and saw the Cherry Blossom Tree is all healthy and well. Shizuka is awed by the view, while Shiroi smiles happily at the view. 

Shizuka Minamoto: This view is super amazing. The petals are so healthy and the fragrant is exquisite. Shiroi, I couldn't thank you enough for the wonderful time

Shiroi: Hehe, I'm glad you liked it.

Shiroi started to worry about her and tapped her on the shoulder.

Shiroi: Shizuka, can you keep a secret?

Shizuka Minamoto: Huh? What secret?

Shiroi: Please I beg you, don't tell anyone about this...

Shizuka Minamoto: Umm, okay.

Shiroi: When the cherry blossom grows beautiful and healthy, my memory is coming back to the fullest and I did know my past, but my name is not Shiroi after all. I was one of the people who died many years ago and lived not the fullest, but a loving memory with my best friends.

Shizuka Minamoto: Oh I see, but if you're not Shiroi, then WHO ARE YOU then?

Shiroi: Want to know?

Shiroi holds her hands tightly and speaks:

Shiroi: My name, is A-

????: Hold it right there!!

Shiroi and Shizuka were both shocked to see the man coming to them with a weapon. They started shivering.

????: Let go of her, Spirit 71953! I'll shoot this weapon with this special ghost-catching device and vanish forever!

Shizuka Minamoto: Wait wait! Don't shoot him! He is about to tell me what's his real name! If you please give me a chance and let me hear his name! He sounds gloomy.

????: Shizuka, stay out of this! That spirit is a curse! When he tells you your name, you would get eaten by his foolishness and vanish!

Shizuka was shocked to hear this, while Shiroi is just standing there defenceless and argued:

Shiroi: That's not true! If I reveal my name to her, I would get sent to the afterlife. This is a whole misunderstanding. Why are you chasing me? What do you WANT from me?

Shizuka Minamoto: What is going on?! Nobita!!!

The boys heard Shizuka's voice from the distance and they found the man and Shizuka from the outside forest.

Nobita Nobi: AHH, Shizuka!!

????: Huh?!!

???? shoots his gun on Nobita's arm, while Gian and Suneo tripped in the roots of the tree.

Shizuka Minamoto: Ahh, Nobita!!

She runs for him quickly and the man is about to make his move! The scene quickly paused and all of a sudden, A white beamed flashed in the sky.

End of Chapter 11 

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