Chapter 11

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Elena's POV

"Mom, just sign!" I groaned as I tried to get my mom to sign the form, but she was still not really into the thought.

"Honey, I just don't think it's a good idea for you to get a tattoo this soon, I mean, you just came out from the hospital, girl!" she said. I groaned again. It was so unfair! Many of my ex's have tattoos! It's true, I've just come out of the hospital, but that's a bigger reason to get one!

I've understood that I was kidnapped, and that's exactly why I want a tattoo. I survived a event like this, and I want a freaking reminder that I kept myself alive even though I probably was tortured and hurt in there!

"You're so fucking unfair mom! I want that tattoo, and if you don't sign the damn paper, I'll just get it done illegally!" That made my mom panic, and she signed quickly and walked away from me. Oh My God, I'm so gonna get that tattoo now!

I just wish I could tell Melani about it. I miss her like crazy, and I wish she was here. I needed her sometimes. Like when that guy in school came up to me, I needed her there to say to me that it was gonna be okay and scared the guy off.

I had so much to tell her about, and she wasn't here. I guess she got re-kidnapped or something, but why take her and not me? I remember a sort of transparent guy when I still was in the hospital, could he be out to get me too? I'm glad that a nurse came before anything could happen.

I wonder what they had done to me while I was kidnapped. They said there wasn't any sign of rape, so that's always a good sign.

I hurried to the best tattoo artist in the town, with the signed form and cash in my hands. I knew I could talk mom into saying yes and sign the paper, so I scheduled an appointment for today at the 'Tat-Corner', and let me tell you; it wasn't easy to get that appointment!

I walked down the street and walked into the tattoo shop, but just as I was about to walk in, I heard familiar voices.

"Thank you James, you are the best brother ever!" I heard an Irish accent say, and I hid outside the room, waiting to hear the rest of the conversation between the well-known voices. "Oh, it's nothing man. I know that Zayn has other ways to get his tattoos."

"I'll tattoo him, if it's okay."

"I got the supplies Liam, maybe it should be me?"

"No Harry. Liam is the only one who can get it decent is Liam." Someone said with a growl. One who sounded awfully like that guy in school.

"And you're ready for the pain Zayn?"

"Yeah I'm ready, just go Liam!"

I heard some sounds, like someone was preparing something, and then I heard a whisper; "Hazzie? How is this different from normal tattooing?" I was shocked as I heard the voice of my best friend. What was she doing with those people?

"It can only be blood of a virgin, very demon-ish by the way-"

"Harry shut your mouth with the comments!"

"- anyway. For a short second, the virgin-blood makes his blood human, but his body can't have human blood and it burns like hell. He'll also become like those insane demons you see in movies."

I gasped and the men stopped talking instantly. I quickly backed away into a cupboard as I heard someone walk with quick steps into the hallway. "Zayn, it could just be the wind you know."

"It's a damn weird wind then Harry!" I heard a voice growl.

"Woah, chill man. You haven't even been under the needle yet." He calmly said to the angry voice. That beautiful angry voice I could feel my heart flutter to.

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