Chapter 9

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Elena's POV


I was back at school after I had been on the hospital for like three days. People was so different in school, and I really didn’t get it. I was just in hospital, it's not like I had killed someone.

I walked down the hall with my cigarette between my fingers, and my hair up in my natural high pony tail. Boys looked at me as I walked, and the girls in the corners were whispering. I know exactly what they were saying “She was in the hospital, how do she still look like that?!”  and I wasn't just imagining them saying that, I knew they said that.

I sighed and looked around, for some reason I’d missed this place, I don’t know why though. It’s the only place I felt safe because of him but it’s not like I’d been away for so long. I looked around at the boys, they were all drooling like usual, so I bit my lip as a special treat for those dogs.

It had been a couple of days since I got out from my paper gown and got home, and since I had felt like someone was watching me. Of course it could just be him but I don’t think so because it started that day the strange translucent man came into my hospital room. It was strange because he wanted me to recognize him, and my brain was telling me I knew the man. But it couldn’t be someone I’ve met before, because I didn’t have a single memory of meeting him.

I walked over to my locker but there he was. “Hey babe, nice to see you!” he said happily, but I could clearly read in his eyes that he was ordering me to be ‘happy’ too.

Oh, how I wish my true love was here, I caught myself thinking, but who I wished were there, I didn’t know. I was confused as hell. I looked up and forced a smile on my lips as I wished I hadn’t had come to school that day.

“Hi Sammie…” I whispered, and he narrowed his eyes at me, ordering me to make it more believable. I took a risk, and told him to leave because I was busy but he snaked an arm around my waist, and squeezed as hard as he could, probably leaving a bruise, as usual.

“Okay sweetheart, I was just checking up on you after you came out of that awful place! I also wanted to say that I love you,” he smirked and brought his lips to mine. I was on the tip of vomiting, but he pulled away before I could.

“I-I love y-y-you too.” I said followed by a lump in my throat, making it impossible to speak.

He walked out of the school followed by Jamie, his buddy and minion that would come to his rescue if I was being "difficult". I walk down to the bathroom, struggling not to cry in front of all these people. When I reached my destination, I locked myself into a stall, and cried my eyes out. I heard one of the other stalls open and close, but then nothing. I sniffed as I tried to figure out who was there, and what they were doing.

“Are you okay in there?” I heard a male voice. His voice was dreamy, and I could have sworn I had heard it before.

“This is the women’s bathroom, you jerk!” I yelled and came out of the stall, but I didn’t find a total creep when I opened the door, I found a hot guy leaned up against the wall. I screamed and ran away from him, but stupid little me ran to the wall where there was no door. I slumped against the wall and waited for him to do something, but he just stood there with a confused look on his face, his beautiful face. His eyebrows were pushed together and his mouth were parted. He was beautiful, and I was screaming. “GET AWAY FROM ME!” My screams and cries became louder when he tried to walk over to me. “Hey, what do you mean, what have I done?” he asked and moved closer to me. I tried to crawl backwards even though I knew I was as far away from him as I could. “GET AWAY FROM ME, ZAYN!” I yelled and I even shocked myself. How the hell did I know his name? He stood frozen in place with his mouth open.

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