Chapter 6

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Well. That was it. Zayn and my little “relationship” was over. Louis had become my best friend, Liam was my protector and sort of my boyfriend, and Harry… well, nobody ever saw much of him. One day when I was cuddling with Liam in his room, I heard Elena screaming from down the hall. I stood and ran to the door in time to see Elena run down the hall. The slam of a door confirmed that she had ran out of the house. Not ten minutes later, someone stumbled up the stairs and glared at me- it was Harry.

“Hey slut,” he slurred. Blood dripped from his mouth and onto his shirt. I didn’t even flinch when I heard his insult.

“Hey asshole. Why are you here?” I demanded. He walked slowly towards me, keeping one hand on the wall to steady himself. Liam appeared behind me and I could hear a low growl resounding in his chest. I leaned back against him and Harry’s green eyes narrowed.

“I live here, are you two actually together now?” he sneered. I rolled my eyes and Liam gently pulled me behind his towering broad frame.

"Back the hell off, you don't want to get on my bad side," Liam warned. All it earned was a chuckle from Harry. 

“I forgot it’s almost the full moon. Go howl at it, little doggie!” he laughed, wiping the blood from his mouth. Our eyes met and I couldn’t tear them away. “I need to talk to Melani. Only for a minute. I won’t hurt her, I swear.” His voice was calmer, almost gentle. I skirted around Liam nervously and took Harry’s extended hand.

“What do you want with me?” I whispered. He smiled, a genuinely sweet smile. He smelled like blood and alcohol- an extremely unpleasant mix. I chose to ignore it and return the smile. He led me down the hall and into his room, which was surprisingly dark.

“I wanted to apologize. You have this… this hold over me. I don’t know what it is. But I’m supposed to fit into this strict mold that Zayn has created and I don’t fit anymore. You and Elena came and, honestly, screwed everything up. I was trying to cope, I obviously failed. And I’m sorry,” he admitted. I was taken aback by this confession. He was in the wrong, of course, but he wasn’t acting out of spite or hate. He was trying to deal.

“I don’t know what you want me to say, you called me a slut and so many other bad things,” I said quietly, tears rolling down my face. His smile faded to a sheepish grin, with the dimples still caving into his cheeks. One of his long hands came up and cupped my face, wiping the tears away.

“Then don’t say anything, love,” he winked and pressed his lips to mine. Traces of blood lingered on his lips but I didn’t care, this kiss was all that mattered. He pressed me against the wall and kissed me harder. My arms went around his neck and his hands pinned mine to the wall, keeping me from moving. The kiss got rougher and I pulled lightly at his curls. He moaned and I stopped.

“What did I do..?” I asked, almost scared. He smirked.

“That’s a turn on for me, sweetheart, you didn’t do anything at all,” Harry promised. I smiled and suddenly his lips attacked my neck, sucking hard. I ran a hand through his hair again and the sucking intensified. Liam burst in and threw him off of me.

“Are you okay?” Liam demanded. I nodded and put a hand to my neck.

“What the hell?” Harry yelled and swung a fist at Liam, who stopped it easily. Liam growled and the yellow of his eyes grew brighter. I stepped between the boys and pushed both of them back.

“Both of you, calm the hell down, really!” I yelled. Liam’s eyes returned to their usual gold and Harry took another step away. The two seemed to have a mental conversation before their attention focused back on me.

“I thought he was hurting you, I didn’t mean to mess anything up. I also thought we had something, Mel-Bell.” The affectionate nickname Liam used weakened me and I wanted to just collapse in his arms, like I always had. His smile invited me closer and I almost did hug him- until I looked over at Harry. He was standing with his arms folded in his all-black clothes, a sexy and almost sadistic smirk plastered on his face, and his emerald eyes fixated on me. It was honestly a mesmerizing image.

“We do have something. I don’t know what I was thinking,” I said, tearing my gaze away and focusing instead on Liam. He smiled in relief and I returned the smile. I could feel Harry’s anger practically bubbling over as he stormed out of the room. I stepped toward Liam and he opened his arms for a hug, but he then doubled over and groaned in pain.

“What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly. He didn’t answer, the sound of feet running up the stairs resounded and the door to Elena’s room slammed shut. Zayn ran up and stared at the locked door.

“Elena, babe. What’s wrong?” Zayn asked through the door, worry laced very evidently through his voice. Elena answered but it was muffled. I saw Zayn run a hand through his hair and I looked down at Liam.

“I need to go help. Will you be okay?” I asked him. He nodded and waved me onward. I dashed out to look for Louis. He was resting in his favorite place- the small room at the top of one of the towers. That was where he had killed himself.

"What’s wrong, who do I need to help?” he asked desperately.

“E-Elena,” I said breathlessly. There were a lot of stairs that I had to climb- god, I was out of shape. Louis nodded and disappeared. I sighed and headed back down. When I got to Liam’s room, I had seen Zayn holding Elena in his arms and Louis standing off to the side in Elena's room. He nodded at me and I smiled. I opened the door to Liam’s room but it was empty.

“He’s gone,” Harry said from the shadows. I turned to the sound of his voice.

“Where did he go, did you hurt him?” I demanded. Harry stepped out and was bathed in the candlelight, which reflected beautifully off of his sculpted face.

“I didn’t hurt him. He’s off in the woods, tonight he’s becoming a wolf,” Harry said. An animalistic growl echoed through the stone halls of the castle and Niall rushed in, bleeding with his shirt torn.

“Niall? What happened?” I asked gently. He looked up at me with tears reflecting in his blue eyes.

“Liam didn’t make it to the woods. He’s still here… as a wolf,” Niall whispered.

(I know it's short. Don't be mad! I've had writer's block, and then with summer school and everything... it's been insane. Anyways. Love you guys!)

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