Chapter 2

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 When I woke up, Elena was nowhere in sight and my head was pounding. I struggled to sit up and groaned, looking around the pitch black room. In the darkness, a candle flickered to life to reveal the boy with those teasingly pink lips and white sharp fangs. 

"Hello, love," he said, his voice raspy and low. He brought the candle over to me and I could see his face- green eyes and a boyish smile punctuated by dimples. His dark curly hair was casually messy. He was even better looking than Darek. 

"Where am I?" I whispered frantically, pulling my knees close to my chest. The boy looked a bit worried, and laid his hand on my shoulder. 

"Don't be afraid. We're at Zayn's house, he sent me down here to get you. Your friend is already upstairs," he mumbled, reaching over to me and brushing my hair out of my face gently. His slightly calloused fingers tucked under my chin and turned my face up to him. "You're beautiful," he whispered. 

"What's your name?" I asked. He smirked and tucked his arms under me- one behind my back and the other under my legs, lifting me up.

"I'm Harry," he said and carried me out of the room. I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely, I didn't want to fall, but he seemed to have a good grip on me. He carried me into a torchlit hallway and up a set of spiraling stone stairs. We emerged into a bright room with a large crystal chandelier and a huge window that let the sunlight stream in. Elena was already seated at a table lush with fruits and delicious food. To her right was the boy with the ever-changing form, who solidified occasionally just long enough for me to catch his goofy smile as he made Elena laugh with horrible jokes. To her left and at the head of the table was the cruel looking boy with soulless eyes and black hair. I saw that Harry had tattoos covering his arms and peeking out from the collar of his shirt- all the boys had multiple tattoos, in fact, except the one telling jokes to Elena. Harry set me down next to him and then sat next to me after earning a glare. 

"Harold, what did I say ABOUT RESTRAINING FROM OUR GUESTS?!" the boy at the head of the table screamed, causing everyone to flinch. The last two boys, the flickering one and the one with those gleaming yellow eyes, walked in and sat at the table. 

"That's Liam-" Harry pointed to the one with the yellow eyes. "-and that's Louis, Niall, and Zayn." Louis was the ghost-like one next to me, Niall was the one with the mysterious form, and Zayn was the angry one at the head of the table. 

"Yes, thank you for introducing us," Zayn sneered and turned to me. "You are guests of our house. Eat, drink, but don't step foot outside the gates or we'll have to kill you." There was no joke to his voice, just a sadistic tone and I knew he was serious. 

"What are you?" Elena whispered. Zayn smirked at her and stood. 

"We are your worst nightmare. We are what hides under the bed of small children. We are... a vampire, a werewolf, a ghost, a shape-shifter, and a demon," he explained, gesturing to each one in turn. Harry was the so-called "vampire", Liam was the werewolf- which would explain the eyes-, Louis was the ghost, Niall was the shape-shifter, and none other than Zayn was the demon. 

"How do we know you won't kill us anyway?" I demanded, standing up. Zayn's eyes were dead, I couldn't even speculate what he was feeling. But Harry pulled me down into my chair again and shook his head almost imperceptibly, as if to warn me to not make Zayn mad. 

"Because why would we kill such beautiful and... intriguing girls as you two?" Strangely, his voice was calm and quiet now. I tilted my head and shot a questioning look at Elena, who shrugged and stared at her empty plate. 

"I think we should let them eat and do what they please." A shy voice broke through the slightly awkward silence. Everyone looked down at the speaker- it was Louis. He smiled  and ruffled his brown feathered hair. 

"Yeah, come on. They need different amounts of sustenance than we do," the werewolf spoke. He had a very gentle voice with a slight growl to it. His brown eyes twinkled in a friendly way as he stared at Zayn. 

"Liam is the only one who can come close to challenging Zayn," Harry explained softly. "He's actually stronger than Zayn during the full moon." I studied them both, the anger in Zayn's face and the peaceful look on Liam's. 

"Go ahead and eat," Zayn said finally. Neither Elena or I moved, we just looked at Zayn. A black cloud flickering with lightning began swirling around him. "I. Said. EAT!" he yelled, the cloud exploding into a flash of light. It smelled like the air had been electrified. Niall and Harry took our plates and quickly filled them with the rich foods that overflowed the cherrywood table. I stared at the plate- it was piled high with meats, pastries, and sweet-smelling fruits. 

"I don't... I don't eat," I whispered. The boys tensed up and looked to Zayn. 

"What do you mean?" he asked gently, although there was irritation laced through his voice. "Do you not... appreciate our hospitality?" 

Elena jumped to my rescue. "No, she literally doesn't eat. She'll go for two or three weeks with only water and not get hungry." I nodded shakily and Harry's hand crept over mine protectively.

"Sweetheart, you need to eat, that's not healthy. I'm sorry for losing my temper. I can't control it. Please don't be afraid of me," Zayn said comfortingly. I nodded and took a tentative bite of a fruit I didn't recognize. It was delicious and juicy, like a combination of a peach and a mango. 

"This... is amazing," I mumbled. Niall chuckled.

"We would hope so," he said. His voice had a playful Irish accent and he finally solidified into his true form. He was very cute, like a puppy, with his big innocent eyes and sweet smile. Zayn took a piece of food from his plate- it looked like a frozen lightning bolt- and took a bite. Harry took a drink from his silver goblet and, when he looked back at me, a bit of the thick red liquid still remained on his lips. Niall happily had some of everything. Louis just stared longingly at the food. Liam took a bite from a raw steak and shrugged.

"Not bad. Full moon is in a few days, I've been craving this," he sighed. I nodded shakily and the meal continued in perpetual silence. Elena and I only picked at the edges of our food, too frightened to eat. Finally, Zayn stood and, when the other boys saw that Zayn was done, they all set down their food and stood too. Niall and Harry pulled Elena and I to our feet. 

"It's a respect thing. When he's done, we all are. Luckily, he takes a while to finish eating," Louis whispered in my ear. Following their example, Elena and I stood behind our chairs, pushed them in, and watched in amazement as Zayn snapped his fingers and made everything disappear. One by one, with Harry at the end, we walked out of the room and into a dark corridor where everyone went their separate ways. 

"Why were you last?" I asked Harry. He shrugged and led me to a room with a huge flat-screen TV and multiple game systems. 

"It's a ranking thing. Guests are honored. I am the newest here, the youngest, so I'm last. Zayn is first, then Liam, then Louis, Niall, and I. Guests are directly after Zayn, like you were," he explained. He shut the door behind him and smirked. "Do you trust me?"

I bit my lip. "I trust you more than anyone else here, which isn't saying much." He nodded and then grabbed my wrist, shoving me up against the wall. 

"I'm the youngest here, but they know when I claim something, it's mine. And I claimed you," he growled, pressing the lower half of his body against me. All I could do was stare into his eyes. "I'm asking you again. Do. You. Trust. Me?"

"Yeah, I do," I breathed. He lowered his head.

"This'll hurt a bit," he said, and suddenly something pierced my neck. I could feel the blood flowing from my veins, his gentle sucking, and for a moment, it felt good. Then it hurt. I screamed.


Hi, guys! I'm Kelsi. I'm 14 years old, and I'm a Harry and Michael girl. Nina Dobrev or Ashley Benson would play Melani, because Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars are my life <3

Love you! Kelsi





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