Chapter 5

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***Elena's POV.***


I was walking down the hallway, and I saw the door. There was fog coming from under the door, and there was light, red light, coming from behind the door. Every step I took, made my feet heavier and heavier, and the 5 steps from the door, I sunk onto my knees, and crawled to the door. I turned the doorknob, and the door opened slightly. I used the wall to help myself stand up. I pushed the door open, and saw him. Harry was lying on the bed smirking up at me.

I saw he had blood streaming down from his mouth, and onto his chest. His chest was bare, and his shirt was wide open. He was red around his eyes and hands. I stumbled out of the door, and screamed as he moved towards me.

I woke up, screaming and looked quickly around in the room, only to see Blondie staring at me, no Harry. But like hello! What the hell are you staring at me? He must've seen me staring back, and he shrank a bit, and became all red. I laughed at him, and sent him a comforting smile. He grew again, and laughed with me.

"So, why were you staring at me, Blondie?" I looked at him and asked. He became red again, and whispered something I couldn't quiet understand. I looked at him weirdly, and asked what it was, and he mumbled, "Nothing, I'll go get Louis," then hurried out of the door. A minute later Louis came inside and sat down on the bed, where I was still half under the blankets they had got me under before.

"Sooooo... Why did Blondie go?" I asked him. He became red in the head.

"He isn't that good with beautiful women," he winked at me. I blushed and hid away my face. He took a finger under my chin, and turned my head, and slowly kissed me.

I was so shocked at first, that my eyes widened, and what I saw made him jump off the bed, and fall onto the floor when I screamed. Around the corner came a worried looking... Louis. I backed up again, and screamed, until I remembered that he was a shapeshifter, and I just cried.

"Why are you crying, beautiful?" Louis- Blondie- asked.

"WHY WOULD YOU KISS ME LIKE THAT NIALL?!" I yelled. He looked taked back.

He stuttered, "W-Why would you s-say that. I-I'm Louis!" How dare he lie to me like that, after I actually exposed him.

"I freaking saw you, you dumbass!" I spat at him. He shifted into Blondie again.

I stood up, and ran out of the room, and right into the arms of Harry. I screamed loudly and ran on, out of the house and fell down on my knees, crying for what seemed like hours, untill someone came over to me.

"Elena?" the person asked.

I looked up and saw Zayn standing, looking worried at me. As I saw the pity in his eyes, I cried harder, if that was even possible. Zayn squatted down beside me, and put an arm around me, and I cuddled into his chest while I choked out: "I gotta get out of this shithole!"

He squeezed me tighter, and whispered: "Sorry babe, but I can't let that happen, you know that." He said and rubbed my back.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I yelled at him, as I shook him off, and ran into the house, and into the room I've gotten. I searched my drawers but didn't find it. "Where the hell are you, you little bitch." I mumbled to myself. Someone tried to open the door, but lucky me, I remembered to lock it before anything.

"Ha! Caught you!" I said to the razor blade in my hands.

"Elena, babe. What's wrong?" Zayn asked from outside the door.

"Don't you dare call me babe! Yeah, I know about you and Melani. Niall told me!" I spat at him through the door. "I can call you anything I want sweetheart, you're living in my house, remember?" and I could actually hear the smirk on his face. His ridiculously hot face.

I whispered to myself a quiet; "Not for long"

I didn't mean for him to hear that, but apparently, he did. "Not for long? What the hell is happening?!"

I heard whisper from outside the door, as I kept cutting, blood dripping down the scars from other weak moments of mine. I saw a shadow at the door, but kept my eyes fixed at my wrists, because the door was locked, right? But I then heard af unlocking sound, and my head shot up, only to see Louis unlocking the door from inside, I hurried to Louis, to make him stop unlocking the door, but too late.

Louis disappeared, and Zayn opened the door with fury written all over his face. "What were you doin,g Elena?" He said through gritted teeth. I stumbled, and fell back. I crawled backwards, trying to escape from what was coming next. My back hit a wall, and Zayn came rushing towards me. He gribbed onto my wrists, making me cry of the pain, he pulled my sleeve up and saw my cuts and scars.

He looked at me, both fury and sorrow was to see in his eyes. I looked down on my thights, but should never have done that, because he followed my look, and saw all my scars on them. His right hand cupped my cheek, and he brushed gently some hair away from my tear stained cheeks.

"Why did you do all this to yourself?" He asked as his eyes got more gentle looking than before. I shook quietly my head, and turned it so his hand didn't have a good hold on my cheek, and went down to his lap. "Talk to me please!" he pleaded, as he began to kiss my scars up my arm. I looked into his eyes, but I couldn't say anything to those lifeless black eyes. "Is it my eyes? Is that why you don't wanna tell me?" I slowly nodded, even though it wasn't only that.

In a second, his eyes turned from a dark black, lifeless color, to a normal eye. It looked human, but the color of his eye was so lovely and irresistible that it couldn't be human eyes.

"Like it better now? If I want to, I can change them into that." He took a hold onto my waist, and lifted me onto his lap.

"Why didn't you do that before this?" I asked him in a whisper, still looking down on my thighs.

He blushed and mumbled; "I was scared that you might wanted to get close to me if I did, and I can't stand to lose someone dear again."

I looked into his gorgeous eyes, with a hazelnut color, and let out a sigh with the words: "I am abused".


You're probably gonna kill me for this Cliffhanger. Shiet!

Anyways, I still ship Zelena too much for Melani to get her...


Now to the final -

Harry from Elena's dream on the side =) :3





- Ria <3

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