Chapter 4

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I knew that Elena was trying to seduce Harry and, honestly, it hurt and I had to pretend I was fine. But Harry was sweet, and funny, and... what the hell was happening?! My eyes practically fell out of my head when I saw the scene unfold before me. Harry had Elena pushed against a wall and he was sucking at her neck, she was moaning, Zayn was trying to pull Harry away. I stood there, unable to move, as Zayn screamed at Harry and Elena slumped to the floor. Finally, Harry caught my attention. His eyes locked with mine and pleaded, Forgive me. I shook my head and walked away with tears rolling down my cheeks. 

I kept walking, through the twisting hallways and towering staircases, until I walked through a door to a garden. I could see iron-wrought gates stretching into the overcast sky and over the top of a rose-covered hedge. I began to run towards the gate until someone materialized in front of me. 

"Don't leave. Please," Louis begged. His wispy fingers wrapped around my wrist with a grip as cold as ice. "Zayn will find you and get Harry to kill you, he might even kill you himself." I tried to pull away but he was surprisingly strong. 

"Let go of me. I need to get out of this hell!" I whispered, crying harder. He brushed the tears away and smiled. 

"It's not hell. If you just walk around this garden, I'll show you," he offered, holding out his hand for me to take. His smile was contagious. I blushed and took his hand. "You have no idea how good it is to just talk with someone human."

"I bet," I nodded. I saw a shadow flit around a corner but chose to ignore it. Big mistake. Liam popped out from behind a pillar and made me scream, which sent him into fits of laughter. His yellow eyes sparkled. 

"It's good to see you too," he chuckled. "Having a nice walk? It's a beautiful day." But just as he spoke, the sky cracked open and rain poured down. I laughed and pulled my hand out of Louis's, spinning and almost falling into a bed of daisies. 

"I love dancing in the rain," I explained when I saw Liam and Louis staring at me oddly. 

"It's fine. It's just... wonderful to have someone else who appreciates it!" Liam exclaimed, coming over and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Care to dance with me?" he winked. I giggled.

"I can sing, if you'd like. But Harry is much better at it than I am," Louis confessed, almost wistfully. I shook my head. 

"I don't want to see him. He wants to just be with Elena anyways," I mumbled, leaning my head against Liam's muscular chest. I could feel Liam nod as we began to sway, the rain soaking our faces. He spun me and I laughed, as he pulled me close and kissed my forehead. 

"I like you much better than Elena. She seems like a bit of a slut," Liam whispered. I laughed a bit. 

"She's not a slut, she just... always gets what she wants," I sighed, thinking of Harry. Speaking of Harry, I saw him just then. He was standing in the window above us, glaring down. I smirked at him and got on my tiptoes to kiss Liam on the cheek. "Thank you for the dance. Now let's get back inside, I'm cold as hell!" Liam laughed and wrapped an arm around my hips as we walked in. I giggled and hugged his arm. His skin was surprisingly smooth and soft. 

"Harry was right, you're beautiful," Liam said as I took my shoes off. I blushed and ran a hand through my wet hair. 

"Of course I was right." Harry's deep voice resounded through the room, making both Liam and I blush. "Beat it, Wolf-Boy," Harry hissed, baring his fangs. 

"Make me," Liam growled, stepping protectively in front of me. I slid my hand into his and squeezed it gently. He looked back at me and I saw the harsh look in his eyes soften. "I swear to God, if you hurt her, I will rip out your un-beating heart," he spat and walked out. 

"What do you want?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest. Harry stepped closer to me and I stepped back. 

"I am so sorry. Sorry for drinking you, for going after Elena like that. She's fine, I didn't bite her." He sounded out of breath and I just laughed haughtily.

"So you only bite the girls you want to kill and the ones you don't care about?" I said, my voice soft and hurt. His eyes reflected my emotions and I looked at the ground, not wanting to see him. 

"I care about you. I just couldn't control myself, I'm sorry. It happens," he said gently, moving closer. I felt his strong fingertips brush my waist.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled. "Just... go to Elena, she's the pretty skinny one. I'm leaving. I have nothing to lose." I left him there, speechless, and I walked outside. It took about four seconds for Liam to show up at my right side and another two seconds for Louis to appear at my left. 

"Don't do it. Don't go, Zayn wasn't kidding when he said he would kill you," Liam pleaded, trying to take my hand. I ignored him and pulled away roughly. I reached the rusted iron gates and opened them. 

"Get away from there," a low voice commanded. I jumped. 

"Z-Zayn? Why are you... why are you here?" I gasped, my heart racing. His shirt was matted to his chest, showing every detail of his tattoos. 

 "I'm here because Louis told me you were leaving. Niall is with Elena in her room, she's fine, just flustered. I can't let you leave," Zayn said. He didn't seem angry at all. 

"I need to leave. I can't be in the same damn house as Harry!" I raised my voices bit. Zayn raised his eyebrow. 

"Really? Because he can't stop talking about you. He said that he dreams about you," Zayn said. "And if you want to make Elena or Harry jealous, I suggest that you don't use Liam. He's aggressive near the full moon but a total scaredy-cat, or should I say scaredy-wolf, any other time. I'll help you, I love causing a bit of drama and Harry knows to not mess with me." He winked and I laughed. He was a pretty good guy if you made it past the angry side. 

"Sure, why not? I want Harry to be jealous," I smirked. Zayn grinned and kissed me roughly, leaning his forehead against mine. 

"I believe this is the beginning of a beautiful fake relationship," Liam chuckled.  


Here is chapter 4! Zayn is such a troublemaker :3 And did you like the little Meliam (Melani+Liam) scene? Comment who you ship the most! 


Helani (Harry+Melani)

Zelani (Zayn+Melani)

Love you!

-Kelsi <3






Kelsi and I would be really happy if you guys wrote down in the comments what you think of our story. Maybe write what we could do better? Let us into your heads! (Wow, that sounded creepy!) - Ria

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