Chapter 3

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Elena's POV


After the dinner, Zayn pulled me to a room down the hall and into a room. He slammed the door closed and turned his head slowly to look at me. I was still creeped out of those lifeless black eyes.

He made his way to me, and I couldn't move in fear of he would do something to me. I closed my eyes, not wanting to look at what was going to happen. Suddenly I felt ice cold, soft lips on my neck. I gasped and looked at the demon that stood right in front of me.

He leaned in, so he could whisper in my ear. "We're gonna have a lot of fun." He whispered in my ear while he was nipping gentle in my ear. His hands traveled up my thighs. Why the hell did I choose to wear a mini skirt today?

He stopped when we heard a scream. Melani's scream.

He barged out and into the other room. I followed him like a lost puppy, to see what happened to Melani. We came in and saw the scenery before us. Harry was standing, resting his head up against the wall, and he had thick red liquid on his lips. Melani was laying on the floor with two holes in her neck, where thick red liquid was floating out. It was not that hard to figure what happened.

"MELANI!" I screamed and ran to her side. I pressed my hand onto her wound to stop the blood, and looked at her. She was all pale and it was all Harry's fault.

Harry's fault...


I turned around, still holding my hand on her neck, and glared at him. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN YOUR HEAD, YOU PSYCHO?! YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!" I screamed at him.

He looked at the ground and mumbled: "Sorry. I was hungry, and she looked so delicious..."

"I will take care of you later" Zayn said through gritted teeth, and pointed at Harry. Harry looked so scared and backed away into the shadows. Zayn squatted down beside me, and said that Liam would get her fixed.

Zayn took lifted her and walked off. I sent a last angry glare to Harry before walking out and followed Zayn. We went down the hall to a door totally white, and he knocked at the door. A few seconds later Liam came out. When he saw Melani and sighed, "Harry again?" He asked Zayn, but it was like he already knew the answer. Liam took her in his arms and layed her down on a white hospital-alike bed. He took a bottle from a shelf and poured some of the powder down in his hand. He took the powder and put it like a circle around her wound. I didn't question any of it, I just looked at Liam, who seemed to know what he was doing. He dug his head slowly down to her wound, and I walked forward to stop him, but Zayn held me back. Liam smirked at me and bit down in the same place as Harry did.

Liam stood straight again, but Melani was still out. I saw the powder around her wound disappearing slowly, and when it was all gone, her wound healed, and becaume two small, unnoticeable little holes in her neck.

 "She'll be awake in about an hour." Liam said giving me a little smile. I looked, with a questioning look, up at Zayn to ask 'what the hell just happened?'. Zayn gave me a comforting smile and took Melani in his arms once again. When we got inside his room once again, and he layed Melani on his bed.

"Once again, we owe you a bit of an explanation" He said and looked down at his hands, like the were the most interesting thing in the world. "Well, Harry is a vampire as you know, and you saw he enjoys drinking blood. Because Liam is a werewolf, actually the opposite of a vampire, he can heal a wound made by Harry, and the other way around. But is a bit older than Harry and has more self control over bloodlust."

I looked a bit scared at him and asked again: "And you buried what in the forest?" He chuckled a bit, and then said: "One of Harry's victims. Liam was too late to save her."

"A 'her' again? Are all of Harry's victims women?" I asked with confusion.

He turned his head and smirked at me and stepped closer to me, while I slowly backed away from him. "He seduces good little girls, like Melani and you, and then he lures you close to him so he can use you." By the time he was done, he was nibbling my ear.

I was offended! I was not some good little girl!

 "Oh, so you think I'm that kind of girl, huh?" I traced the tip of my finger down his stomach, and his breath hitched when my finger was just above his crotch. "I'll show you how bad I can be" I whispered in his ear, and then left the room, where he just stood there, shocked of my actions.


The next couple of days I slowly seduced him while eating. I always took the food I knew would look sexy while eating it. Melani saw what I was doing most of the time, but didn't question it, but Harry looked like he was just about to explode when I ate, or walked teasingly around in my miniskirts (We had shopped a bit for new clothing).

One day Harry just snapped, and after the dinner, where I looked Zayn in the eyes and ate my apple, Harry pushed me aginst the wall in the hallway, and started to suck harshly on my neck. I tried to push him off, but he was too strong.

I heard a growl down at the hallway. I looked at where the sound came from, and saw a very angry Zayn stand, scarier than ever, with fury written all over him. He was walking to where we were, fast. When he came to where we stood, it was like I under a spell, just moaning from the pleasure Harry was still giving me, but Zayn wasn't down with that, so he pulled Harry away and screamed things I couldn't understand at him.

"I'm feeling dizzy." I said, and my vision became blurry. Then everything went black.



So I've been doing so much lately and I hope this isn't too late to update.

So, the picture on the side is Elena eating her apple seductivly. ;)

With the Harry part, I didn't know if I should write it or not, I mean, poor Melani, I think she really likes Harry!

Now I'm feeling really bad for writing that part!

Oh my God I'm a horrible person.

I'm gonna stop writing now.


- Ria <3





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