From Ria

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Hi, Ria here.

As many of you guys probably know - Zayn is no longer in One Direction.

It shocked me so much, I spent my whole evening and night crying, and I don't think it has stopped there. Zayn was a real role model for me, and surely for others.

I'll probably delete this part later because it is not a part of the story, but if enough of you guys who tell me different, I won't.

Well, I thought It'd be a good thing for me to try and tell how I got the news, and maybe you guys could tell me and Kelsi in the comments.

So, I was making dinner with my dad, but he kept telling me how I was doing so bad at everything, and when he finally went into the other room I checked my phone where my Bestie had sent me a picture where the update about Zayn was written on FaceBook.

I didn't know how to react, and idk I just... didn't?

Afterwards we were eating in the livingroom, while watching Supernatural, one of my favorite series! Well, besides Teen Wolf... But for some reason, it just didn't interest me as much as it's used to. For God sake! I'd rather look at the bare wall than looking at the freaking TV!!!

And after I told my parents 'good night', I just started to silently cry, and I was awake until 4AM, where I just cried and read Zayn fanfictions and my One Direction books, and watched the liveshows etc.

But I guess I'm not alone.

And if you guys want to tell your stories in the comments, feel very welcome to do so.

And Kelsi; If you'd like to share your story, you can just write on this chapter! :3

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