他的问题,我的回答(His Question, My Answer) 014

116 5 8

Author's Note: 

Sorry for not updating, online school played a major factor when it comes to me updating. I had plans for this story, but sometimes I'm distracted. I happen to have written 800 words for this chapter at some point, but I didn't know how to write the rest. I typed the rest of the chapter at 9 pm while listening to jpop, hopefully it's good. Perhaps I get myself together this new year. I hope you enjoy this new chapter!


Edited: Not

Votes and comments are appreciated as always

And as always enjoy reading, thank you for reading~♥

Dilraba Pov:

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. I got out of my bed and rushed to open my door. I swing my door open to see LuHan standing there. "What are you doing here?" I shouted.

"Returning your books," LuHan said as he brought a bag into her room. He dropped it off on her desk and walked out of the room. "Get ready, we have school. I'll wait for you outside of your house," he said as he closed the door.

-Time Skip-

I walked out of the door to see the back of Luhan, standing there as the sun was rising up. He would always wait for me outside everyday till the end of the school year.

-Major time skip: The start of the last year of high school-

"What did you do during summer?" LuHan asked.

"I saw you everyday because you keep coming to my house. Plus I was studying for the sake of my test for college," I said as I tapped my pencil on the table.

"You still haven't answered my question too!" he said.

"Well you know my answer, Mr. Lu," I said as I opened my notebook.

"Why not just try it out with me," he smiled.

"Do you think it would even work out for the both of us? I don't want our friendship any more awkward than this," I said before the teacher walked into the classroom. "Turn around," I said as I patted his head.

-Time Skip-

I was at the cafeteria for lunch and I seated myself down on a table. I started to eat my lunch until I felt like I was being stared at. I looked up to see a group of girls staring at me. I swallowed my rice knowing what would happen next. They walked closer to me and seated themselves down at the table.

"Hey aren't you friends with LuHan?" the girl with long hair asked.

"Yes," I responded.

"Can you tell us everything you know about him?" the girl with shoulder length hair blurted out.

"Let me finish my lunch first," I said before I started to eat the vegetables on my tray.

After I finished my lunch, I was planning to flee the scene with my lunch bag. I packed everything up and I was getting ready to run. This group of girls have been bothering me since the start of LuHan's popularity as a good student. I immediately ran out of the cafeteria hearing a teacher shout at me. The girls were running behind me and I was trying my best to out run them. I turned a corner and I felt someone grab my hand. I got pulled into a classroom. I looked around to see who pulled me inside and I saw LuHan there.

"Why are you running?" he asked silently.

"Your crazy fangirls," I said quickly. I could hear them run past the classroom and down the hall. "I hate to break it to you LuHan, but I really don't like running away from these girls after every lunch meal I have at school."

心动的感觉(Luhan x Dilraba)Where stories live. Discover now