从给你别人的情书才认识你(To Know You From Giving You Someone Else's Love Letter) 009💌

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Hello! Here's the new chapter! I'm glad I'm able to publish this chapter cause it's been a long time since I updated any ff on here. I hope you people enjoy this chapter! 🍵🍵

The chapter is unedited sorry for any mistakes!

Third Pov:

Lu Han looked at Raba straight in the eyes. "Believe me Lu Han. You don't want anything to do with me," she said. 

"No Raba. I want my life with you." 

"Is it just because I was the only one who would talk to you in school? Is it just because I was willing to stay with you for that long? Because I was the only one?"

"Raba it's not what you think it's. It was never like that ever. Answer a question for me." 

"What is it?"

"What made you leave?"

Dilraba Pov:


"Raba, get out of bed now!! Wake up, you don't want to be late for your 11th year! You're so close to finishing high school kid. Get up and get it over with." I immediately got myself up, first day of my 11th year. I went straight to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then washed my face. I finally got ready by changing into my uniform and got my school bag. Walked down the stairs and went to the breakfast table.

"Mom, what is there to eat?"

"Just take two slices of bread and drink your milk quickly. Don't want to be late!" She shouted as she hung wet clothes on the drying rack at the backyard.

I quickly drank my cup of milk and then grabbed two slices of bread, using my other hand I took my lunch box and placed it in my bag. I zipped my bag and grabbed it taking it with me when I rushed out the door eat my bread. When I walk out I could see children of different ages walking to school. I followed the crowd of people till I reached my high school, the colors of dark blue and white hits me. Another year here, I walked to the same class I've been in since the start of the 10th year. Six years of elementary school, three years of junior high, three years of high school and four years of college.

Always having to wake up around 5 before 6 when class starts and class ends around 5 to 6 o'clock. First day isn't that stressful, everyone lined up outside of the classroom. The teacher finally opened the door. We were greeted by a male teacher who wore a suit and smiled at us. "Everyone come in," he said. He walked back to his part of the classroom which was in front of the blackboard. He stood in front of the wooden stand. "Feel free to sit anywhere you want for now of course." I found a seat near the window on the third row. I seated myself down and looked around before the teacher spoke again. "Hello, students I'm your homeroom teacher and I'm also your math teacher. I'll begin by taking attendance. An LiYa." "Here!" a girl shouted. "Bai Zheng Zheng." "Here!" "Bai TianYu." "Here!" "Cai LinLin." "Here" "Chen MoMo." "Here!" "Chen QiChen." "Here!" "Zhang ZiJun." "Here!" "Mei ZiYun." "Here!" "Zhao QiZi......." "LuHan. One more time, Luhan here or no? No response. LuHan not here." "Dilraba." "Here," I said.

"I'll begin to introduce myself now. I'm your homeroom teacher and also your math teacher. I'll also be the first class you will be having since I'm your homeroom teacher. I hope we as a class can have a great year," he said. "Let the first class begins,"

Class went on till the bell for a mini 15 minute break rang. I took out a mini bag of wafers and opened it. I took one out and placed it in my mouth chewing it while looking over the notes I took.

15 minutes passed and everyone went back to their seats. I quickly put my snack away and wiped my hand with a napkin. Biology class has started and the teacher walked in and looked at us. She was average height, black hair that was tied as a ponytail, and wearing formal clothes. "Hello class, I'm your biology teacher. I'll start off by taking attendance. An LiYa-" she said before she got cut off by the sound of someone at the door. I looked towards the door to see a guy with blood near his mouth all bruised up and dirt on his uniform. "Student what are you doing here?"

"Why would I want to be here anyways."

"Take a seat if you're late."

He walked slowly walked towards the direction where my seat was and he walked passed me. He sat behind and placed his stuff on his desk. He crossed his arms on the table and placed his head down.

"Class sorry for the interruption."

"Hey," someone said as I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the same guy at the door looking at me. "Can I borrow a pencil?" I quickly went into my bag and took a pencil out.

"Here," I said as I handed him the pencil. He took out his books and started to write notes down. "Do you want a band-aid?" I asked.

"It's you band-aid girl," he said while looking at me. I placed the band-aid on his table and turned back around.

The bell rang for lunch and I quickly grabbed my lunch money. I wonder what is there for lunch today? I quickly ran to the cafeteria and the line was long. Maybe I should buy myself lunch outside of school. I quickly walked out of the cafeteria and went to the vending machine alleyway. I stopped to hear the should of screaming and shouting. Before I walked into the alleyway I took a peek to see who was there. I saw the guy from before and another group of guys on the ground.

"Told you to not mess with me you group of idiots." He looked at everyone he has hit. The next second I felt his eyes staring at mines. "What do you want band-aid girl?"

"Nothing, I'm trying to get lunch," I said as I walked towards him then pass him. I quickly inserted my money into the machine and took a sandwich. Then I got myself a Sprite and quickly ran out of the alleyway.

"That was close," I mumbled to myself. I found myself a seat near the entrance of the school. I unwrapped my sandwich and started to eat it. They're not bad or good just like school lunch. I opened my bottle of Sprite and got down a few gulps until I was interrupted. I look in front of me to see a classmate from class.

"Raba, do you know LuHan?"

"Who's LuHan?"

"The guy that sits behind you. You two seem close."

"What do you mean?"

"Can you help me and give this to him?" she asked as she handed me a pink envelope.

I was so close to spitting out my Sprite. "You want me to what?"

"Give him this," she said.

"Can't you do this on your only?"

The girl face sudden reddens. "I can't do it on my own. Please do this for me as a favor?" she said as she quickly runs away.

"What am I going to do..."I sighed. When the end of the lunch bell rings. I quickly threw my trash away and ran back to class. I entered the classroom to see LuHan there. Here's my chance to complete my unasked for task. I went to my seat and sat down. I tapped on his shoulder and he looked up.


"Here," I said as I handed him the pink envelope.

"Love letter?" "You like me band-aid girl?"

"What makes you think that? Some girl told me to give this to you."

"Whatever. Just put it on my desk I'm going to sleep. Don't bother me band-aid girl."    

Hope you people enjoyed the chapter!🍵 Sorry if you felt as if the chapter is short. Sorry for that. Hang on tight, hopefully I'll be able to type more chapters!

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