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Word count: 591
Sorry for the long await. My mental health has been actual shit and I've been debating if I should even continue this story because the actual author to Dear Draco is making a part 2
Bellys P.O.V
It was all such a blur of anger and sadness.

An in the moment thing.

I remember seeing his beady eyes glance at me. The built up anger came spewing out of me. Although I don't remember what I did.

Now I'm on top of him on the floor. My fists have blood on them although not my blood. Luscious is unconscious on the floor with a busted lip and crooked nose. Along with a forming bruise on his cheekbone.

Cissy standing in the kitchen frightened.

Draco confused and frightened getting me up and off of his father.

"What just happened?" Draco asked. Not knowing what to do.

I burst into tears. Placing my head on Draco's shoulder.

I didn't know where to start or even if I should tell Draco why I got into a brawl with his father.

I mean I have to tell him. I can't just beat up his father with no explanation.

I have to tell him, although at what  expense.

His mental health. Our relationship. And I don't want to think to crazy but this is Draco and when he's mad it's not good. He wouldn't kill his father would he. He's not that crazy, right. Right?

I calmed down and was sitting in Draco's lap.

"can you please give everyone some peace in there mind and tell me what the hell happened?" Draco asked.
I mean i had to. I couldn't just not. I took a deep breath and began. I don't know what's going to happen because of this, but let's hope it's nothing to crazy. And so i began....
Draco's P.O.V

Overwhelmed with anger I headed towards where my mother was nursing that murderer.

That good for nothing abusive murderer.

I can hear belly yelling my name to come back and "calm down." How does she expect me to calm down when my own father tried no, did kill my girlfriend. The one person I care about more than anything.

The one person that is with me through thick and thin.

"Draco!" My mother said as she saw me practically sprinting to the murderer she was caring for.

Tears swelled up in my eyes.

I felt my mother and Belly pulling at me in an attempt to get me to stop and heard my mother's screams.

But there was to much built up anger and hurt that came from this man he deserved every last punch that he got.

"You use to say I was weak when you hit me! Now who's week old man NOW WHOS WEAK" I screamed as I continuously threw punches at him.

Finally I stopped punching. Tears filled my eyes and messed up my vision.

"If you ever even get close to Isobel or my mother, you'll be sorry. I can promise you that." I said as I left to my room.

Isobels P.O.V


Cissy was crying.

The house elves were standing in fear and unsure what to do.

Draco was in his room doing who  knows what.

And I stood there like the house elves. In fear and unsure what to do.

short chapter this time sorry guys!
I'm really going to try and update more if I do continue this book.


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