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Word count :1210

Isobels P.O.V
2 Weeks later~

The blood had been cleaned,  wounds somewhat cured, shattered glass that got in the way of the fight had all been cleaned- although the real damage had not been undone. Lucius in the hospital me, Draco, and even Cissy mentally damaged. Cissy thought of me as her own daughter and I obviously was more important to her than Lucius.

Fortunately Lucius didn't try to press any charges. I mean Draco had beat the ever loving shit out of him and he was much to scared to do anything.

Cissy took ownership of the manor and almost everything she could.

Lucius was done for. No one to protect him. No one scared of him anymore.
" We really should get going now mother." Draco said.

Me and Draco were finally heading to my house. As much as i do love the manor and and Cissy. I do miss my true home.

"Ah, yes you should. I can't keep you here forever."
"Mom!" I said cheerfully running up and hugging her. while Draco lingered in the back.

"oh my! Honey how are you?!" Mother asked me hugging me tightly.

"i'm great!" I for sure wasn't going to tell my mother what had just happened the past month. There was no need.

"Draco!" my mother said now walking over to Draco with open arms. "i've heard so much about you!"

"I've heard tons about you as well Amy!" Draco said hugging her back.

"oh please call me mom." Amy said.

"Well we better get inside now! No need to stay out here any longer." Amy said
Draco's P.O.V
I stepped into the nice warm house. It was homey nothing like the manor. It had decor everywhere it felt warm and cottage like. There were herbs hanging on the walls and spices and ingredients to spells on the walls and on shelf's.

A black cat meowing on his cat house. Must be Isobel's as it's attention is only on her.

"Lucifer!" Isobel said running to the cat. Like i guessed it's hers.

"Well what are you standing around for Draco, come sit down!" Amy err Mom said.

I walked over to there couch. it was Brown and one of the comfiest couches i'd ever sat on.

The living area was nice it has the comfiest couch, and a small black and glass coffee table. A window with plants hanging around it. The sun was shining in and onto the glass of the coffee table creating little rainbows on the ceiling.

"Well why did it take you so long to get here you two?!" Amy err Mom said in a fake angry tone.

"There was lots of commotion and we wanted to wait for everything to settle, i spent time with Harry, Ron, and Hermione and Draco spent time with his parents." Isobel said quickly. I knew she wouldn't want to tell her mother about what's really happened the past month.

"Ah I see, oh dear i forgot how's George doing?" Mom said her facial expression automatically changing from her cheery expression, now her eyes had sorrow in them and her happy smile turned upside down.

"Well he's alright. Doing better bit by bit. We made up to each other and we're both friends once again. I mean you know George he's not like that but Fred was his everything. Once we're back to School i'm really hoping to rebuild our friendship. But for now I think Harry, Hermione, and especially Ron are comforting him."  Isobel explained.

"Oh poor Ron, my heart really goes out for all the Weasleys I've already sent them many muffins and tarts and treats with my condolences. But I mean I really feel for Ron. I feel as though everyone's forgotten  that he to was close to Fred. Not as close as George but they were very close." Mother explained.
later that night
Isobels P.O.V

Draco had already went to sleep. He hadn't been getting much sleep lately with all the commotion at the manor and fear that his father would be able to pull something and take everything back again.

Me and mother were sitting around a small fire we made in the fire pit. Chatting about how we've been.

"This hot chocolate is amazing!" She said half way done already.

I smiled in return also taking a sip.

"Isobel we do really need to talk about Draco though." Mother's tone getting stern.

This was the conversation I knew would happen deep down although didn't expect it to happen at the same time.

"What do you mean mother?" I asked innocently.

"I mean you don't actually have future plans with him right? I mean you do understand he's been involved with Voldemort and Lucius Voldemort's little peasant is his father." Mother said

"He's not like them Mother. You don't truly know him. I'm so tired of everyone judging him for his family. I mean yes Lucius is the most horrible man alive. But Cissy his mother is an absolute angel and has been my mother for the past year practically." I said now infuriated. I'm so tired of all of this.

"He fought on Voldemort's side. Did you ever care to think that maybe he killed people on the good side. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree Isobel." Mother exclaimed.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree i thought. "Oh really, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Well i'm not like you. And he's not like his father. And that's that. I know what you did. I know you tried to get me to leave him because of fathers death by "their side" god do you really think i'm that stupid. That was actually pathetic." I said now standing up.

"What do you mean Isobel, have they really brainwashed you that much?" Mother said now tearing up.

"Oh shut the fuck up. You pathetic bitch stop being so fake for once. You and him were constantly fighting. And believed different things and your stuck up ass wouldn't take it. You killed my father and staged it all to make me run away from Draco."

Mother almost immediately stopped her tears.

"But you see Isobel" Mother said walking towards me. "The apple really doesn't fall far from
the tree because you could figure it out. You think the same as me darling. You are just like me, and one day you'll realize that." Mother said now in front of me.

"I will never be you or anything like you." I said throwing my hot chocolate and mug into the fire. And walking away as my mother just chuckled.
Authors note
Wellll i finally updated haha. I honestly didn't have much motivation to write anymore of this as the real author has made another part. And didn't have much time with school and everything outside of school. Although I finally went on Wattpad again and saw around 7.4k viewers and endless notifications from even that day that my story had been added to people library's. Thank you all for your support and i really really do plan on writing more! I'm going to try my hardest, but what did you think of this chapter?!

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