398 12 12

Word count: 1777

The video above is what I listened to while writing this listen if you would like^

This chapter is more about her and Draco!

This chapter takes place in the same day that the last chapter did

Viewer discretion is advised. OOP

Isobel's P.O.V

I finished up my breakfast and payed.

"Well a bit of a bad start to the day isn't going to ruin my whole day now" I thought as I walked through Hogsmeade.

I decided to go into Hogsmeade Post Office there I would write a letter to my mother, honestly I had only written that one letter after the war and she was probably quite lonely at home.

As I entered the shop a long and thin man with a mustache greets me "Are you writing or sending?" he asked me.

"I'll be writing." I answered and walked over to a writing booth. They had about 5 wooden desks with dividers on either side. On the desk they had quills, parchment, stamps, stickers, tape, envelopes and many other stationary items.

I took the top parchment and quill and began writing.

Hello mother, its Isobel. I'm deeply sorry for not writing to you in a while. I've just gotten quite busy with school and such. Me and Draco are still together and well! I've been trying to talk to George although he hasn't been budging. I'm not sure what I should do about him mother. I hope your doing well! Next break I'm going to try and get Draco to come down with me to the house so you can meet him! I really do think you'll enjoy him! Well bye for now, I'll write you soon! Love, Isobel.

I finished writing the letter and put it in an envelope with a nice heart sticker, that was always me and my mothers thing putting heart stickers on letters we gave each other.

I brought the envelope to the tall thin man at the front. He took the letter to the back where there were many owls. " Alright whos going out for this one?" He asked the owls. Soon enough he decided a black and grey owl would get to deliver this letter, he undid the owls cage and opened the huge window as the owl flew out with the letter in its mouth.


I entered the Slytherin common room and looked for Draco we hadn't talked since last night which wasn't usual for us, I know it sounds crazy to say that but its true. My eyes scanned the room for him although they never found him. "weird" I thought.

I decided to go back to my room, I had studying to do anyways. As I went to unlock the door it seem to already be unlocked "God Isobel you really need to remember to lock your door." I thought to myself. As I entered I found who I was looking for. Draco came out of my bathroom with a towel around his waist and damp hair.

"You know you should really lock your door more." Draco said with a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with a small grin putting my wand on my desk.

He walked up to me and placed a kiss on my forehead. "You really think that I'm staying mad at you over a small argument from last night?" He said as he kissed my lips.

"Well, it depends." I said with a smirk kissing him back.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him as our lips touched, and our tongues twirled around. It was all so effortless it was second nature really. I ran my hands through his damp hair. Our lips broke apart as he went towards the door locking it and then returning to me. As our lips reconnected.

Dear Draco Pt.2 (conceptual sequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin