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I just wanted to say thank you so much!! I've been receiving a lot of really sweet comments and I can't thank you guys enough for the support! 

Also there is going to be a lot of dialogue in this chapter.

Word count: 848 

Hermione's P.O.V

I rushed up into my dorm room where I knew Ron would be as he had come over last night and ended up staying the night.

"God Hermione where were you?" Ron asked as he was throwing a shirt over his head. 

"and what's your problem?" He asked after seeing how flustered I was. 


Narrators P.O.V 

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all sat in a circle on Hermione's bed. Everyone in question. 

"So you think she really knows that we used the time turner on her?" Harry asked looking at Hermione.

"I've already told you! I don't know!" Hermione said throwing her arms up. 

They had all already discussed the events between Hermione and Isobel about 10 times although still no one knew what to say or do about it. Everyone had different opinions on what the best thing to do was. 

"Well I say we tell Draco first, then if he breaks the news to her its on him not us." Ron said to the group. 

"Ronald you are stupid!" Hermione exclaimed. "She can't know that she died before we used the time turner, and neither can Draco. That's the whole reason he didn't come with us, so he wouldn't have to remember it." She explained to the Ron.

"I think she should know." Said Harry who had been quite silent through the whole discussion. "She deserves to know. Or she will just continue to make up suggestions of what actually happened, and nothing is worse than guessing what happened to you." Harry said standing up and heading for the door. 

"Harry you can't just walk up to her and tell you she died!" Hermione said as Harry opened the door to leave although was stopped by Isobel standing at the door. 

Isobel's face full of confusion, Harry and Ron's full of shock, and Hermione's face full of dread. 

"Who died?" Isobel said quietly after what seemed like forever. 

Isobel's P.O.V 

I didn't know what I heard or how to even comprehend it.  Why was my name in the mix of their conversation and why was my name even in the same conversation of death. 

I came to Hermione's dorm to make sure that she was alright after what happened while we were having breakfast. Although now that's not what I want to know. I want to know what she is keeping from me or really the whole trio is keeping from me. 

As soon as I mentioned the war Hermione had gotten so upset and now she's talking about be and death. 

Had something happened during the war that I forgot about? 

I barricaded the door with my body and looked at everyone in the eyes. 

"What are you hiding from me?" I asked them all, while I was only staring at Hermione. 

They all looked at each other in worry and Harry grabbed my shoulder leading me to sit on Hermione's bed. Harry sat next to me and looked at Hermione and Ron before starting. 

"Something happened at the war." Harry said slowly. I felt my stomach drop I don't know why. Its not like they said it was anything bad I mean they haven't even said what happened but I could sense that it wasn't good.

Hermione grabbed her time turner necklace and pulled it off of her neck.

"We used this."  Hermione said slowly looking at Ron.

"O...O-n.... On you." Ron said looking worriedly at Hermione. 

I didn't know how to react. I just sat their staring at each one of their faces. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Harry, Hermione, Ron. I scanned their faces over at least a dozen times. Not saying anything and I don't even know what I felt. It was such as mix of emotions.

Anger- why didn't they tell me before. Is that the only reason that they started being somewhat nice to me?

Sadness- I was dead? I died and I didn't even know? Did Draco even know? 

Confusion mostly took over. Why hadn't they told me before? Did I even want to know? and so many other questions. 

I awoke from my thoughts and stared at Hermione.

"Isobel are you okay?" She asked my as she placed her hand on my shoulder. 

I didn't know what to say or do. I just got up and walked back to my dorm. I couldn't handle this I didn't know how. What am I suppose to do knowing that I died. What does all of this mean? 


Well that just happened....

I honestly don't know what Isobel is going to do with this information but it may be changing a lot of things.. (don't worry about her and Draco)

Again I just want to thank you guys for all the support I read all the comments and they are all so sweet and funny!

D I S C U S S I O N 

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