385 13 3

Word Count: 1370 


I tried to find a seat somewhere in the bleachers. The games were always packed. I found an empty spot finally and sat down trying to find Draco.

 I know that Draco was really looking forward to winning and was sure that they were going to win, but Gryffindor is a really good team, and Harry you have to admit is pretty amazing. Although on the other hand Fred was gone, and George wasn't doing the best outside of quidditch so I'm not sure how well he will do today. I thought to myself. I looked over at George he was on his broom and looked emotionless. Fred and George use to talk and talk about quidditch on game days, they would sing songs about Gryffindor winning, and talk about there plan for the game or who they wanted to "target" that game as a little prank. 

Finally the game started.  George grabbed the Bludger  and threw it at Marcus Flint nearly knocking him off of his broom. 

Narrator P.O.V 

George was filled pure anger. This was his and Fred's game. They had talked about this game before the war how it was going to be there victory game. They would win the war and also the next quidditch game. A faint smile came to Georges face as he thought of there little plan after the game "Early that morning George, we have to get some of those fireworks and we are going to plant them all around the stands and at the end of the game while we are all celebrating they will go off, its going to be..." Fred said. Then they looked at each other and in queue said "wicked." George was quickly put back into reality when the whistle was blown to start the game. 

Isobel watched anxiously from the stands, this was going to be one hell of a game. She thought to herself. It was meant to be a nice welcome back and almost winddown from the whole war thing but in reality it brought more stress. Everyone was still somewhat mad at one another for various things and having a very intense sport played while everyone felt this way wasn't a good idea. 

Later during the game 

George  struck Blaise. 

Blaise was taking a sharp turn when George came and struck him. 

Blaise was now plummeting downward trying to get control of his broomstick, although it was no use the broom was going crazy with Blaise barley being balanced. Soon enough what was bound to happen happened. Blaise fell and he fell hard at least 15 feet out of the air. His broomstick had already fallen to the ground almost as soon as he flipped off of it but Blaise took a while longer to fall to the ground. Landing with a loud and hard thud. 

The whistle was blown and everyone flew down and got off of there broomsticks. Blaise was laying on the ground in a ball holding his arm and moaning in pain. Draco was one of the first people who flew down to help Blaise. George didn't even want to look at Blaise, you could see the instant regret in his face. Not because he would be in deep shit with Draco but because that just wasn't George he was the kind to make people laugh and maybe a bit annoyed at times, but never the kind to hurt people. Harry was also in disbelief, well really everyone was. 

Isobel's P.O.V 

Me and Draco stayed with Blaise for as long as we could trying to comfort him and make sure he was okay. 

We finally left and started walking to our dorms. Draco was mad, infuriated you could tell by his walk let alone. He walked stiff and fast, almost a march but much more elegant. Then if that didn't tell you he was mad you could look at his face. His face was full of disgust as it always is when he is mad. His eyes always looked straight forward, never at who he was talking to.

"Isobel I'm going to kill that George kid, I swear." Draco said.  I decided it was best to just listen for now and talk later, 

" He lost his brother I understand but you don't have to take your anger out on everything you see. God he is such an idiot. I mean did you see his face when he landed, acted all ashamed and guilty. He knows that he is in deep shit with me and the rest of Slytherin now." Draco continued on. 

Finally he slowed his pace and looked over at me. 

"Don't tell me that your defending that little red haired Weasley."  Draco loved to describe people when he was mad and make it sound like an insult.  

"I'm not." I insisted, although Draco gave me a look that told me he thought I was lying.

"He shouldn't have done that. And you and every other Slytherin have the right to be mad but George is really hurt. Think about it Draco. He grew up with Fred they spent every fucking moment of their lives together and now he is alone. Every time he looks in the mirror he sees Fred. Every time he walks down these hallways he thinks of Fred. He has a right to be upset. And he's not the best at coping with it." I said

Draco just rolled his eyes. He knew I was right and had a point but he just didn't want to admit it so I continued. 

"Today after class I finally talked to George, you know what happened Draco. He broke down crying in my arms. He's not okay. He doesn't know what to do anymore.  He needs help and it seems that no one is there to give it to him." Draco is very overprotective. As soon as I told him that George broke down crying in my arms I knew I fucked up. 

"Well then belly why don't you go be his person then, make him okay again. I think that he would just love that." Draco said as he turned into the corridor that led to his dorm. 

"Draco I swear to fucking god!" I shouted at him. 

He kept on walking. 

Draco is really something else. One wrong word can ruin his night, or ruin your night, or make your night worse. Either way when he is mad you have to be very carful with your wording or else he would loose it. He takes every word, sentence, and thing that you say into a lot of thought when he is  upset and that obviously doesn't always turn out great. 

I headed toward my dorm. I didn't have a roommate so I was all alone. I slipped into my pajamas and got into bed. Then I did something I hadn't done in a long time. 

I cried. 

I didn't mean to or want to but I did. Everything was so chaotic and I guess I never really took it all in.  There was so much going on a whole entire war just ended. Fred is dead. The golden trio is somewhat liking me again for no reason. Its my last year here in Hogwarts. Draco has been the only thing keeping me up.  And now he gets a bit mad at me and I'm crying this is so unlike me. 

Don't get me wrong I hate crying. I hate the head aches afterwards, the coughing while you cry. The feeling of exhaustion and the feeling of defeat. But this was different. It wasn't me crying because I was defeated or sad. It was me crying because my body needed it. It was my body and mind calling out to me. Telling me that they weren't okay. They needed to be loved and taken care of. But right now they really needed rest. 

Hey guys :) Um I just want to say THANK YOU for 200 views!! That's a lot more than I ever thought that this little book would get LOL. Also I'm writing this at 2 in the morning so if there are any spelling errors IM SORRYYYY. 


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